Led Zeppelin not scary nor mystical


Led Zeppelin not scary nor mystical

Im allways suprised at the sheer ignorance people have towards rockmusic. Sometimes it just suddenly hits you when you are browsing on internet and somebody says something completely of the mark. You are like 'where the hell did they get that idea from'. Like this Benjamin Owen dude. In this video about Bono suposedly being a satanist (well whatever) around the 13:00 mark he out of the blue suddenly says that Led Zeppelin are satan worshipers en they sing about Tolkien and all that mystical stuff. When I hear this kind of rubbish my face goes from pink to red to purple to a deeper shade of purple to totally black from sheer rage. I feel like going up to morons like this with a megaphone and shout LED ZEPPELIN DOESN'T SING ABOUT SATAN OR TOLKIEN OR ANY OF THAT FANTASY RUBBISH!!! It so bloody obvious that they don't. Even if you know very little about them you can figure out that their lyrics are about normal everyday topics that you can relate to. Mostly about girls, sex, love, relationsships. The only songs on their first two records that are not about these things are the instrumentals. Songtitles like 'Custard Pie', 'Black Dog' or 'Dazed And Confused' do not exactly sound like your dealing with a scary band. None of their albumcovers feature any vikings, druids or devils. What they do feature is an old guy with a bunch of sticks(Led Zeppelin IV), a bunch children climbing a hill(Houses Of The Holy), a guy in a suit sitting in a bar(In Through The Out Door). All of this is clear indication that Led Zeppelin does not sing about monsters or devils. But do you know what this guy probably read that in a magazine somewhere and thought that sounded like a smart sing to say. So fucking annoying just simply copying the stupid nonsense they hear other people say. It so simple to just go to a website with lyrics and see for yourself what they sing about. But the punk-led musicpress will do everything to give hardrock a bad name and fools like this guy here prove how succesfull they are. My advice when you hear this nonsense confront the person saying this. Dont go 'well whatever' and let them get away with it. Tell them that Led Zeppelin or any other rock group from the past dont sing about that corny stuff and their lyrics are really good and thought provoking. I dont want my internet viewing pleasure ruined by this nonsense anymore


New nirvana? Not anytime soon


New nirvana? Not anytime soon

Here we have another youtube video with a Nirvana is the most important band since sliced bread message. It is about that there hasn't been a band since then that has had such a huge impact on rockmusic. I personally agree that its good to shake things up here and there but the rise of Nirvana was a step down for rockmusic not an improvement. I think having a musical revolution from time to time is a good thing. It keeps things fresh and the grunge/alternative revolution did bring a youthfull energy to rock. Still bands like Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins, Oasis all have made good music but they are still nowhere as good as the classic rock greats like Queen, Deep Purple, Rush or REO Speedwagon. We get to see all these talking heads saying the same predictable rubbish. The subculture mentality gets heavily promoted again even though that didn't exist back in the eighties. Yeah you had a vague rock vs disco thing but those styles were obviously very different nowerdays you have all this little cliques of people where everybody behaves exactly the same with very strict rules even though all those styles are not really that different. But the people in this video want you to think that was allways like that. The guy with the long brown hair says that you used to have all these groups of people the rockers, the metalheads, the jocks. Which makes no sense because there was no metal in the eighties. Metal stuff like Slayer or Anthrax was still underground back then and it only became popular in the nineties. Rockers were all jocks so there is no difference between that. Ofcourse we also get that music as an identity crap. I dont fucking listen to music to show my identity as a person i listen and play music because i have a passion for music. But ofcourse people like this dont care about music. For them its a vehikel for political ideas. Stuff like gay pride or what kind of ethnic background you have or for some nonsensical envorinmental cause. Typical idiotic SJW stuff. There are some good things said here and there like the guy from Alice In Chains mentioning Kiss as a great band instead of the standard go to band Led Zeppelin. The guy from Twisted Sister is also on the money that bands in the past became great and popular because of playing a lot of gigs not because some talentshow wants to make a star of you. Unfortunatly we are back on track with the guy from Guns n Roses with some baffeling statements. He claims that there were no good bands in the 80s and that there was only generic music and then Guns n Roses come along and saved the day. This guy seriously must be jocking. The early 80s was loaded with great bands like Queensryche, Journey, Bryan Adams, U2, Motley Crue(allways much better band than GnR). Okay I have to give him credit for mentioning Poison but that doesn't counter such an inaccurate statement. Guns n roses were the Nickelback of hardrock. A watered down version of real hardrock like Twisted Sister or Gary Moore. Next up we get the I-pod revolutioned music thing which is right. The i-pod made music listening much shallower. You can have direct excess to any music there is but what does that matter. Most people today have a very superficial interest in music even if they play an instrument. Thats why people are never going to be interested in traditional rockmusic because its not promoted by the hip musicpress. So kids are not going to listen to it because its simply not cool. So much for your the ipod brings easy excess theory. No the real reason is that todays music is simply shit. Both popular and underground. Bands today are wellbehaved and humble and have no guts or arrogance. That is needed to become a great band. Which is strange because there is lots of animo for good rock n roll rebelion. You have this stuff nowerdays like people telling you not to smoke cigarets or eat sugar, word censorship, controlling institutions like EU or the United Nations. Perfect targets for an upcoming band to rebel against. Its just unbelievable that people dont see the gap in the market. You should look to politics to people like Donald Trump or Geert Wilders those people are really kicking against the establishment and they are pissing people of. Thats exactly what rockbands should be doing. Not that wellbehaved hipsterrock crap thats never going to be the future of rock.


Dark music is shallow


Dark music is shallow

Amoeba videos are a source of frustration for the genuine musicfan. Constantly we are shown all these dorky geeks displaying their musical ignorance. A good example is this lady here. She is promoting the idea that dark music is good. I hear this quite often and this surprises me. Quasi-intelectual music sites like Pitchfork or Vice in particular promote this idea that darkness or depression is a good thing. They will allways go to great lengths to describe a certain band as dark, nihilistic or depressive even if the band in question is obviously not like that. The woman in this video does the same with ABBA. She wants to convince us that ABBA is very dark music because the song 'Dancing Queen' is about a girl that is sad because her lover does not want to dance with her or something along those lines. Anyone with common sense can understand that the claim that ABBA is scary music is complete bullshit. In fact if you hear somebody making such a ridiculous claim you should dismiss it immediately. No 'seeings thing from their point of view' or 'trying to understand it'. Just ignore it like other illogical statements like 'drummers are the most important member of a band' or 'black sabbath are the godfathers of metal'.

There were lots of songs in the past about love and heartbreak and there is nothing dark or evil about them they clearly fit in the happy catagory. Being sad is not the same as being depressed. Those songs have a lightweight feel to them and the sadness is of a very mild type. Its not as if they are going to commit suicide the sadness is a fleeting thing. Just think of 'hello' by Lionell Ritchie that sounds sad but has a positive vibe. That musicians used to write sad sings was to create drama and tension in their songs it has nothing to do with being interested in the dark side of life. Sneaky attempts to portray positive or happy music as scary or dark is something they often do. If ABBA is evil music heavy metal must be superscary. Which is totally not true because rockgroups used to have an obvious feel good approach. Nowadays thats very different. Now all music sounds very evil not just metal but also popmusic. You will probably have noticed that the music they play on the radio when your at work makes you feel very uncomfortable that ruins your pleasure at work. But people today have this idea that depressive or negative music is really deep and that music that makes you happy is shallow music for teen girls or housewifes. Its like world has turned onto its head. Dark and depressive music is good music fun music that makes you feel good is bad. If you repeat it often enough people will believe it

But most music used to be made with a fun upbeat mentality. Music if it was popmusic or hardrock sounded happy and had a positive attitude. If you often get exposed to joyfull music then you will feel better and society as a whole will be better. Imagine if you would only hear metal or hardcore in supermarkets or at work all the time society would become a lot more violent and everybody would be more depressed and commit suicide. You notice that in the decades up until and including the eighties that people were a lot more friendlier and more relaxed and the music reflected that. But when the nineties came along that started to change. With the rise of genres like metal, punk, grunge and gothic rockmusic became more darker, angrier and nihilistic. Just simply enjoying music was not done anymore you should feel miserable all the time. It is the musical equivalent of modern art. Painting pictures of landscapes with windmills in them is oldfashioned. Art today is having cans filled with dogshit or a rusty sheet of iron covered with birdpooh or having statues of jesus in a glass cupboard filled with cat-urine. You feel bad while reading this. Typical case of the tortured artist syndrome. That music can only be good if its made by people that have cut their wrist or if they are heroine junkies or if you have grown up in a dictatorship. Which is complete nonsense because the best music is made by happy people if its the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix or Boston all have had big impact on popmusic. You just need to listen to 'Dont Look Back' from Boston and then to Slayer's 'Angel Of Death' to understand that joyfull music has more depth than dark music.


Long live normal music


Long live normal music

This video that i'm reviewing today touches on something that has been bothering me for a long time and its time to tackle it. We hear this guy telling us how special outsider music is and because of their situation be it mental problems or being socially isolated from the rest of society their music has an artistic purity that 'normal music' hasnt. Or with other words people are trying to convince you that crummy music is interesting while trying to steer you away from music that has substance to it. They present music like this as being original and the ordinary music that you hear on radio as bland or forgetable. This guy and many like him are making the same fundamental error that being original equates to being strange. Artists like this aren't just simply original its just plain weird and bonkers sounding. All those mainstream bands that you like are original sounding they are just simply not weird. They dont need to be. Being original doesnt mean that you have to sound crazy or far out it just means that you have a recognizable sound of your own and you can still sound normal and sane while doing that. Take for instance Aerosmith. They dont sound strange or unusual but Steven Tylers way of singing, Joe Perry and Brad Whitford's groovy guitar riffs and the rhythmic drive of the drums and bass gives them an instantly recognizable sound. You know when you hear Aerosmith that thats Aerosmith and not some other band. This is what makes a band original not all that goofy stuff like having didgeradoos in your music or playing cupboards with knives and forks. Thats just a cheap stunt to get noticed but in the long run its not that special. It is a bit like Weird Al Jankovic. We all find his parodies of songs really funny but your not going to sit at home and listen to his music. Thats not the point of what he is doing. Music is not the focal point its about the humour. And thats exactly the same with these outsider artists. Its interesting as a curiosity but it has little genuine musical value.

Outsider music is not that different than the supposed normal music its just played in a very weird way but since most mainstream music is pretty unusual anyway it just crazy people playing music that is allready fairly unusual. It is a bit like having an outsider art person trying to make music like Emerson Lake and Palmer its just simply somebody trying to make music that is strange even stranger than that. Speaking of ELP they are a perfect example how strange and unusual mainstream music can sound proving that the notion that popular music is bland is incorrect. But ofcourse that is the whole point of this. This is another perfect example of people trying to direct you away from classic rock. They do this so that you listen to their crappy hipsterrock shit and that you do not discover the great rockbands from the past which most of their unasuming fans have never heard of. Which isnt suprising because they are trying to erase hardrock out of music history. He is right about that people in this day and age only care about money and that the music of today is soulless fabricated crap but thats with the emphesis on the word 'todays music'. It definitely didnt used to be like this. Rockmusic used to be full of bands that made amazing music. Bands like the Beatles, Led Zeppelin or David Bowie that get touted a lot by the press are just a small sample of the great bands that you had back than. Bands like Thin Lizzy, Journey, ZZ Top and Genesis are just as good as those acts and just as important. That feeling of intrige that people have hearing outsider music is the same feeling i get when i hear classic rock bands of the past. The first time i heard Bat Out Of Hell by Meatloaf that was a real revelation or when i first heard the high speedrock of Accepts 'Fast as a Shark' that really made an impression on you.

Its not like you think 'o this is just normal music' your reaction is more 'this is fucking great why have i never heard of this before'. Its because the music establishment is run by geeky dorks that can not accept that hardrock music is better than punk so they try to discredit it. One of the ways they do this is by portaying 70s/80s rock as unoriginal but the proper rockfan is not fooled by this. What i notice is that lot of these people like the guy in this video that are interested in these bizarre musicians are not at all weird themselves. They are typical smug music critic types with their phony sensible way of doing that is in reality just clumsy and naïve. Like the statement that art is all about expression or persuing your personal vision. That is not at all what art is about. Art is all about making music that sounds good or making a painting that you want to hang up on your wall. Nobody cares about your supposed authentic vision. Only the endresults count your intentions are secondary. No it isnt wrong to listen to people making this kind of music nor is it wrong to laugh about them. If you make a fool of yourself people are going to make fun of you. Thats just the way life is. This is a typical example of people on the outside looking in. They like this music as a status symbol to gain credibilty. A bit like people being a big fan of third world art even if its often not as good as western art. I do not have any problem with people liking this stuff hell even i find lot of this stuff highly amusing but when they say that music that isnt like this is boring or uncreative thats just crap.


Pushing the rock for bullied kids theme again


Pushing the rock for bullied kids theme again

So we have two more videos for you filled with pro-metal nonsense thats supposed to make you feel sympathy for those losers. But does the exact opposite. They claim that rock is some sort of refuge for bullied kids that get picked on by the other kids at school. If you walk around with an Iron Maiden t-shirt people will make fun of you because the normies wont listen to such underground music. This is absolute rubbish because Iron Maiden is a multimillion selling band that sells out huge arenas and in their hayday lots of people wore tshirts of them. I can remember that the popular kid of my class had a tshirt of Iron Maiden so that shows that using Iron Maiden as an example of misfit music is laughable. These type of video's sound sympathetic but they arent. They are trying to portray heavy rock as music for weaklings that sit at home playing ouijaboard games or have a collection of Yoda dolls. Rockfans are just normal guys who go out fishing or play pool and dont have strange freaky habbits like that.
They are using Iron Maiden again as a typical example of metal which is a completely insane thing to say. But they will do anything to drag the good name of a band like this through the dirt and one way of succeeding in that is to call them metal. Its so obvious that they are a hardrock band and none of the rules of metal apply to them. But clearly the word hardrock is not in their dictionary. Its loud music with guitars therefore they are heavy metal. Sigh such ignorance. So ladies and gentlemen ill say this once and for all (with a loudspeaker that goes all the way up to ten): IRON MAIDEN IS NOT A FUCKING METALBAND!! Never have been never will be. You are not aloud to add a band like that in a video about metal or any similar rockgroup. Thats just blasphemy. Even if you do consider them as a metalband they are definitely not the defining example of metal. A band like Slayer or Deïcide or something like that are much better examples of that dark scary demonic approach that you associate with metal. Iron Maiden sounds to joyfull and commercial to be metal. So if you want to put a band in your video that fits with something such a geeky metaldork would like use bands like The Haunted or Kamelot. They fit the bill perfectly.
The carnotaurus productions guy has on the thumbnail of his video has a guy with an Iron Maiden tshirt. The guy is getting shouted at by a i assume a normal person calling him satanist. This is totally false and is not how things happen in the real world. Nobody would shout 'satanist' to somebody wearing an Iron Maiden shirt because they are not the type of band that sings about satan worshiping, death and all that other stupid stuff and they sound like that. They are not Death or Cradle Of Filfth where shouting 'satanist' would be appropiate. In fact i think that the guy shouting satanist would probably be fan of a band like Iron Maiden. Guys like this want you to believe that ordinary people hate hardrock music but lots of people that are not that interested in rockmusic often still like a band like Iron Maiden. He also talks with an annoying nerdy cartoon voice emphesizing the helpless bullied metalhead vibe they are trying to project. Now on to Beth Roars. She is doing something similar. We see animation of a guy who has a beatles poster and then it changes into an Iron Maiden poster for some reason because you cant be fan of both the Beatles and Iron Maiden even though the latter sounds more like the beatles than all that metal stuff like Korn or Blind Guardian. And the guys tshirt turns from green to black despite rockfans back then didnt have to wear black clothing. I am surprised the guy doesnt make a devilhorn salute are have a tshirt filled with skulls.
But then the craziness really starts kicking when she claims that the guy was sent to a madhouse because he liked heavy metal. If you have any kind of critical thinking skills you can figure out this nonsense. Psychiatric hospitals dont put people away because of the music they listen to. There are laws against this so this is totally made up. Even with bands like Dimmu Borgir and Testament people wont send you to an asylum let alone with a mainstream rock group like Iron Maiden. After this she starts doing something a lot of ignorant people often do they try to convince you with supposed scientific studies to make her point. Which is ridicilous as if musical taste or behaviour of people who listen to music can be scientificaly tested. This is not physics or chemistry that you can test in a laboratory. Its all just a question of opinion. Only insecure people cite studies to make their point people with a backbone can figure out for themselves how things are. I am fed up with usefull idiots like this that will jump into defense of those pathetic morons instead of attacking that braindead metal garbage and the retarted fanbase that likes that music.
You dont need to peform scientific studies to come to the conclusion that metalheads are fucking stupid. You just need to listen to their music and lyrics and come to the obvious conclusion of how dumb metal is and that is also fucking depressing. No wonder they have a lot of mental problems if you listen to metal all the time it just makes you want to kill yourself. Dont you notice that the guys that listen to metal are a bit autistic and the girls have borderline issues just like our Beth here. They are doing exactly as the punks are telling them. They are trying to ghettoize hardrock music. Which is completely ridiculous. Heavy rock used to dominate the musicworld in late 20th century. The people who like this kind of music wernt some nerdy losers but proud Steven Seagull types who would kick your ass if you make videos like this. But they will do anything to burry that. Why do you think she brings up the bat eating incident of ozzy at the beginning of the video. Does that sound like somebody thats trying to refute the idea that heavy metal is scary music. No she is trying to drag him into it like he is also a scary musician like all those thicko metal musicians while he is obviously a rockmusician who has very positive lyrics who's name they are trying to ruin. Metal music most definately doesn't make you calmer. Such a ridiculous thing to say.


ionian and locrian perfectly good scales


ionian and locrian perfectly good scales

I actually enjoy this guys videos he seems like nice chap and he is good at teaching guitar so i dont like that he is the target of my ire but his videos display the kind of ignorance about this issue so well that it just needs to be adressed. So this is not about the guy making the video more about this specific issue. Nevertheless he is also a little to pro-metal. His drummer has that grating double kick style of playing that ruins all his songs. 70s/80s rock is also nearly absent from his videos. Yeah he has one video about hardrock but thats more of a parody then a respectfull examination of the genre. Dont get me started on that twat that sings on that video that you guessed it sounds nothing like 80srock singing. You will allways hear an explanation along the lines of ionian is only used for popmusic and children songs and tough rockmusic doesnt use that. They only use minor preferable phrygian(that sounds more metal) or maybe dorian/myxolydian but definitely not ionian/lydian. This is absolute bollocks. There where tons of rocksongs based in a major key not just myxolidian but also ionian. Some examples are 'Spirit of Radio' by Rush, 'Changes' by Magnum, 'Born To Run' by Bruce Springsteen, 'Cheated' by Praying Mantis 'Dont Look Back' by Boston and there hundreds more examples like that. Do any of these songs sound wimpy. Do they sound like children songs like 'care bears tune' or 'how much is that doggie in the window'.

Not in a million years. These are well crafted songs with depth and sound tough and full of life. There is good reason that rockgroups use major keys. Its gives the music a feeling of hope that you can take on the world. Rock might be rebelious and menacing but it also has a sense fun and joy and major keys reflect that. The statement that he makes that rockbands have to use minor scales because the songs wont have any power is not only not true but is also hugely limiting. A bit like the heavy rock bands only use powerchords statement. It goes without saying that this is all part of the 'lets make rock stupid' plan. Mr. Signal Music Studio is playing his part in this. They want you to think that hardrock music is dark and miserable sounding and that all life has been sucked out of it. But its that lifeforce that runs through the songs that makes rock n roll so special. He says that ionian is only for pop or commercial radio music which makes no sense because lots of popsongs have minor keys in them. A lot 80s songs like 'Beat It' by Michael Jackson or 'Somebodys Watching Me' by Rockwell are in minor keys or 90s house hits like Haddaways 'what is love' or 2Unlimited's 'twilight zone' the last one has a phrygian scale and lots of todays hits are in aeolian. He makes it sound like rockfans are getting exposed to major key song on the radio all the time and that making songs in minor keys is greatly refreshing while lots of songs in rock are in minor key there is nothing new about that. It would be more refreshing he explained to us how to write hardrock songs in major keys.

I would start to get a bit boring after a while if all song where in aeolian. All music would start to sound a bit like the 'See you in Hell' album by Grim Reaper which are all in the minor key. Good album but its nice to have variation on your record and the best way to do that is to use different scales. When a guy like this is talking about minor key rocksongs he is not talking about 80s hardrock like that. He is probably referring to 90srock and beyond or even worse metalmusic. This type of music must sound grim, dark and scary you cant have that ruined by happy melodies can you. The thing is people did not used to write songs in minor to be sad and definately not to be scary or depressing. 80srock bands used minor scales to sound powerfull or dramatic. Just listen to Journey's 'seperate ways' or Bon Jovi's 'runaway'. These songs sound dramatic and intense but not sad or dark. Minor songs can even sound fun just like 'breaking the law' by Judas Priest or 'fresh' by Kool and the Gang. I think the reason lots of 80s songs had minor keys is to sound lean and efficient. I get the impression that bands of the 80s where reacting against music of the sixties that sounded jolly and goofy and they where going for a more serious and streamlined sound. One of the ways of doing this is using the minor scale. It reminds me of adverts where they end with an impressive slogan like Pioneers 'new you are playing with power'. The bands of the eighties were trying to achieve that effect. You can allready see David Hasselhof coming out of his car pointing at the camera saying 'you have entered the eighties the decade of new music'.

Now you would expect people that hate major key melodies to like darker scales like say locrian. Oh no apparently thats also not aloud. This guy and lots of others like him seem to have an allergy against locrain and for some reason thats unclear to people useing common sense they seem to avoid it all cost. This guy at least makes an attempt to explain what it is others like the Fretjam guy explain the other six subscales and suddenly stop at locrian and claim that its useless. What a crap! I've written a couple songs in locrian and its not that difficult. You will hear all kinds of excuses like 'it doesnt resolve' or 'unstable tritone' or 'will change to a different key' and its all herdopinion. Just simply play the chords of the key Bdim Cmaj Dmin Emin Fmaj Gmaj Amin just shuffle them around and voila you've got yourself a song. You dont need to go to great lengths to compose a song in locrian and do ridiculous stuff like use algorhythms or "pascals triangle" or other insane stuff like that. But its just simply a case that if you repeat something often enough people will believe it even if its totally incorrect. Its like this video titled 'how to make locrian sound good' where five people who went to music school have the greatest difficulty (compose a song in locrian)to do what i just do in less then a quater of an hour. It just shows what groupthink does to people. But the video has got that Adam Neely guy in it. When he is on board you know that its gonna be filled with nonsense. What annoys me the most about all these videos that tell you that you should not use locrian is that they dont let the viewer decide for themselves if locrian is good or not. We just have to accept that it is so without any explanation. Just tell us what locrian is and we will figure out for ourselves if it is bad or not. Im a trial and error type of guy and i have to practice and test it out to know if something works well or not. Your word means nothing. Which is good because you will realise that the supposed bad thing that you must avoid (like locrian) is actually perfectly good. So approach what people tell you with skepticism.


Rick Beato. The sound of ignorance


Rick Beato. The sound of ignorance

Rick Beatto is the perfect example of a gatekeeper that just protects the musical status qou at all cost. It doesnt matter if what they say is complete shit Rick Beatto will simply repeat it. Much to the frustration of many rockfan including me. Lets not start about the goons who show up along side of him in his videos that now even less than he does. He has all the hallmarks of rock ignorance like thinking Led Zeppelin is the greatest band there is. He has all these top 20 best of lists and you guest it Led Zeppelin comes out as nr1. Greatest drummer: John Bonham. Best debut album: Led Zeppelin I. etc. Im getting so sick and tired of all these laymen types that dont know a single thing about hardrock acting like they are experts if they think that Led Zeppelin is the best while they are just simply one of the many good bands no better than Queen, Boston or Yes. So typical of the ignorance of the average american rockfan that doesnt know anything beyond the predictable bandnames. Its the same with the Beatles who he also mentiones a lot. They where good for sixties standards but many bands in the seventies made music of the same level or even better. Lets not forget that on the thumbnail of that that greatest debutalbums video he has a picture of Guns n Roses. Anybody that puts them in the top 20 of anything has lost their rock reviewer credibiltiy without warning.
This guy has earned himself a lot of yellow cards and red ones are coming up. Lets carry on with the next issue. He is also big fan of shredding. He has a video called the guitar 1980-89 with and this doesn't come as a surprise the three muskateers of shred Yngwie Malmsteen, Joe Satriani and Steve Vai are on the thumbnail. Facepalm. I told you didn't i. Nearly about a decade ago i wrote that people act like those guitarists are the pinacle of great 80s playing and here you see a clear display of that ignorance. It should've had the guys from Iron Maiden or Judas Priest (who are absent from the video strange for a video about 80srock guitarists ) on the thumbnail. Guys that are doing genuinely creative things on guitar not that shredcrap. But clearly he is not a big fan of britrock music. Rick Beato is basically a mouthpiece for the guitarworld magazine. Everything he says is what they are saying which means we are going to hear a lot about soulles shredding, boring old fart blues musicians, and pointless fusion noodling all things we are fed up with.
But the most offensive thing he does is calling hardrock bands metal. Most obviously the 'black sabbath sound of metal' video. That title just makes you wanna puke. There is also a video titled top 5 80s metal guitarists with Eddie van Halen on the thumbnail and he also referred to acts like Motley Crue and Ratt as metal. This is just a huge insult to everyone who is fan of those bands. Lets focus on the Black Sabbath video and listen to what he has to say. He mentions the 'black sabbath uses the tritone' myth again like many others do which is a complete lie. Black Sabbath like many other hardrock bands uses simple pentatonic scales and there is nothing scary or dark or heavy sounding about that. Clearly people like him think that the song 'black sabbath' on their debut album is what all their songs sound like. Most of their songs sound nothing like that. In fact they use lots of major key melodies in their music just listen to the song 'Neon Knights' opening song on the 'heaven and hell' album is in mixolydian. Thats one of the three major keys. In fact all the opening songs on the records they made around that time are in mixolydian just listen to Turn Up The Night, Trashed or Never Say Die. Not very metal huh. The irony is that Rick Beato has actually indirectly admitted that Black Sabbath is not a heavy metal band.
He has another video with the title 'mixolydian sound of rock' with AC/DC in the thumbnail (well at least he does not consider that metal). Obviously black sabbath uses that scale a lot so therefore in rick's own words he has told us that they are a rockband. Its unbelievable that guys like this dont see the connection. The problem with all this misinformation is that the name of a band like that gets dragged through the dirt. Now people who could be a potential fan of Black Sabbath are scared away by clumsy video's like this. They are going to think that they are the same type of band as Testament or Life of Agony and all that other bad taste music. Thats why its important that people like me warn you against music gurus like this. Just like all those other clowns like Rock n Roll True Stories, Professor Of Rock, The Needle Drops, Adam Neely, Music is Win etc. all a bunch bullshitters every one of them.
He is also a protector of all things metal. He has this video about a musical style of metal called 'djent' and you can hear by the name that its stupid and probably no different from all the other metal schlock. Lets see what djent sounds like. Yep just as predictable and corny as you would expect. The band in the video Periphery is absolutely awfull but what do you expect their big heroes are Mesjuggah which is a huge piece of dogpooh of a band.When they say there is good music in the underground this crap is what they are talking about. Proof positive that underground music sucks just as much as popular music. He mentions all those meaningless metal genre names as if he sounds very knowledgeable but just shows how clueless he is . Talking about metal as if its a genuine artform and serious believing that all the shitty music catagories that metalheads like to use to create a false sense of variety are really interesting is the musical equivalent of somebody putting highly polluted water in bottles selling them for ten dollars and pretending that it tastes very good. Its like guys like this just believe any crap that people tell them. Im pretty sure that if everybody else thought that metal was terrible music Rick Beato would be telling us that it is stupid music that you should stay away from. Which is ofcourse absolutely right but the point is guys like this have no independent thinking skills. Everything they say is based on consensus thinking which basically means doing things the normal way. If people by 'normal' mean ugly shred guitarsolos, ungroovy double bass thumping and stupid lyrics about satanworshipping or vikings then i want to be as abnormal as possible.
He has this april fools day video about Nickelback that they are actually really good and then shows a video of Rick Astley. Typical out of touch music reviewer humor. So saying that Nickelback is good is a joke but liking terrible metal crap like Mesjuggah or Periphery is supposed to be serious. If i made an april fools day video having metalbands like Nightwish or Lamb of God would be perfect candidates for such ridicule. More so then Nickelback who sound like Rush compared to most metal. Its only because its normal to hate Nickelback and liking metal rubbish like Sonata Arctica or Mastodon is considered okay. To me hating metal is just as normal and so should everybody else with a good feeling for music. I know im repeating myself often but they are repeating the some rubbish over and over as well so that forces me to do the same and Rick Beato is the king of bullshitting. Is there anything good to say about Rick Beato. At least he has an all american voice that sounds confident and clear and not such a nerdvoice like the 12tone guy. His music theory videos are much better than his rockvideo's so he should stick to that. Bottem line is dont let guys like him tell you what to believe when it comes to rock n roll. Music gurus like this prey on the ignorance of most rockfans and sell them the same musical narritive that real rockfans know is not true. So stick yo your guns and dismiss everything that sound like nonsense. If you wait long enough your opinion will become popular enough that it will become the norm and the Rick Beatto's of the world will be repeating what we are saying.


No more protecting of musical tripe


No more protecting of musical tripe

This guys videos constantly show up in the sidebar while im watching youtube and the nonsense that this guy is spewing out just works on my nerves. A perfect target for my ire. This is another example of a guy that likes everything that gets dished out to him even its totally retarded music. This guy probably thinks that he has good taste and he is not like all the normies that like popular music on the radio. Sorry mate but you and all your metalhead friends have just as bad taste as all the regular people. Probably even worse. That is the big irony of metal lets rebel against the commercial music that regular people like so we can make music thats even worse. He protects all those garbage metalstyles like 'mall screamo' 'djent' or 'technical deathmetal' that in his narrow view probably all sound very unique but any discerning musicfan can tell are just all the same. Any musical style that has the dreaded word 'technical' in it you know its going to be bad. There is nothing technical about what they are doing its just typical shitty playing that you would expect from deathmetal bands. This guy is a big fan of hardcore which is a clear red flag that musical ignorance is going to have free reign. Hardcore is complete knucklehead music for unsophisticated tatooed neanderthals who can only sing about violence or robbing innocent people who have accidentelly walked through their crime ridden neighbourhood. A complete bottomless pit of talentlessness.
What i also can not stand in punk and metal is the community mentality. That you as musician have to pay respect to the scene with their strict and irrational rules and if you do not kiss their ass you are seen as an arrogant spoilsport. If there is one thing that i have learned in music and life in general is that arrogance is good. Its a sign that you can make up your own mind about what is the good way of making music and not let rulefollowers tell you how you should play. Thats what i dont like about punk this notion that you should all be nice to each other and pay your respect to the scene and definitely not raise any objections about the crummy music that is being made. I hate this stupid egliaterianism that you get in modern day rock music. The idea that everyone can display their musical abominations to the world and that its just as valid as people that make great music is nonsense. This guy even touches on this in a video about Green Day where its great that they brought a bunch of fans on stage to play with them because it breaks down the barriers between the fans and band to show that there both equal to each other. I dont find that good at all. Its that everyone's a winner mentality thats detrimental to music. Its not true. You have to be good to play in a band and if your not get the hell out of here. I think hiearchy is important in rockmusic. The band thats playing on stage is more important than the people viewing them. They are doing something special and the fans should respect them for it and stay of the fucking stage.
Its not about music its about subculture and politics and being part of a scene. Thats why guys like this care so much about subgenres because he does not think in terms of individual bands that have their own sound he thinks in scenes where everyone does things according to strict rules and regulations with obvious dresscodes even though the music only differs in small details. Any real musiclover would get disgusted by that. This is not being arrogant its shows that you care about music and dont want it to go down the drain by people like this dude. The message a guy like this is giving is dont complain about all that crappy music that you hate just be a good boy and accept what is being served up to you even if it goes against your better judgement. This is probably the reason he doesnt like Poison because Brett Michaels does do whatever he likes and does not care about punk guys complaining about his dating show on youtube. I wasnt even aware that he made this program it has made me like him even more. Somebody that makes music as good as Poison should get all the pussy he deserves. But people who dont like Poison are not real rockfans. The music of Poison has allready more variation than all those metalgenres put together. CC Deville just needs to change from one riff to another riff and there is allready more variation then between cheesy subgenres like djent or crabcore. If a band doesnt sing about chicks you know that band is going to suck.
This guy does not get the difference between hardrock and metal. He has for instance a video about Babymetal which is ofcourse an absolutely horrendous band about metalbands having extrovagent stage show and to my shock Kiss also gets mentioned. Kiss is a hardrock group that has nothing to do with metal and metalfans should stay away. He even has a graph where shitty bands like Dragonforce, Dimmu Borgir, and Slipknot are put above Kiss quality wise despite them being the defintion of a band that combines a spectacular stageshow with great music. Definitely better than all the metalcrap he likes. This is just getting crazier by the minute. Bands like Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden also get tarnished with that slur. He says they are greatly influencial bands yeah greatly influencial in rockmusic but they have nothing to do with metal and most metalheads dont like them anyway. To them its just 'dadrock'. Whatever as long as those meatheads stay away from hardrock groups like that im fine. He even defends autotune. Anyone that defends that ghastly voice effect should be lynched right on the spot. I constantly hear that horrible autotuned music at work and just feel like escaping to the toilet to not be exposed to that awfull sound. I really think that sound is invented to drive you crazy.
The thing is hardcore people like other alternative people are not rebbelious at all. They will claim that they that they are not like mainstream society but just like them they believe in the coronahoax, fake environmental issues or bullshit anti-racism stuff. Lets look at his instagram shall we. Photographs with facemask on? Yep he has a facemask on. Black out friday post? Check! With other words we are dealing with an highly ignorant person who is easily fooled by what the people in charge tell him. I wouldn't be surprised if he is gonna tell us that we should build back better. He has this video about racism in metal which is complete rubbish its not like people are punching up black people at shows or that black people are not aloud to play at venues. Nobody cares about that but this guy is trying to create fake issues just like the media in general does. Dont buy it they are just trying to shame you in giving justified critism against people of a certain ethnic background something that is a perfectly good thing to do. I wouldnt be surprised if this guy is a proud member of antifa or some other shady orginisation. Dont let goons like this tell that you that cant get angered by the terrible state of todays music. Dont let them shame you into thinking that metal isnt completely awfull music and that the rockmusic of the late 20th century is far superior to all the junk thats made today. These guys are gatekeepers that protect the status qou and dont like people like me pointing out how much the music they like sucks. But not only is it understandable that you take a stand against all that crap its your duty as genuine musiclover that you rebel against it so that we get out of the dark ages of rockmusic that we have been in since the nineties and started putting proper rock n roll back on track.


Why women dont get rock


Why women dont get rock

You will often see all kinds videos on youtube with titles like '10 great female guitarists' or 'fantastic new all girl bands and when you listen to them they all sound mediocre nothing special about them. There's a often an obtrusive tone to these videos. Like they are desparately trying to convince you that the ladies are just as good as the men and if you do not like them you are just a sexist neanderthal that just lives in the past. Well i would gladly live in the past because the music they make is pretty crummy. Lets be honoust for a moment and cut all the egletarian crap and admit that women or not very good at making rockmusic nor do they understand what its about. Often they sound a bit throwaway like they dont really care about the music its just a backdrop to go to parties or a social thing to meet other people the music is secondary. With men playing rock n roll is all about the music. The music is central everything else is less important. Men do things with a sense of purpose and clarity and dont get distracted by trivial things like fashion or subculture or goofy popculture stuff like pokemon or bambi. But they will not admit that. They will push this 'girls must rock' scheme so we can ruin rock even more. Woman tend to multiply the ignorance of the general population tenfold. And they are giving girls unrealistic expectations. A misplaced sense of entitlement a sort of 'if they can do it so can we' mentality. This might seem true in their little egletarian fantasy world but in the real world it does not work like that. Men en women do behave differently and with some things one gender is better at it then the other. Like with rock n roll for instance. Im perfectly fine if they want to start a rockband but that doesnt mean that men tend to understand this music better. Men approach music with a sense of authority en selfassuredness that demands respect. When women play rock that typical male bravado gets mixed in an unnatural way with all that girly frivolousnous. Women tend to give in to temptation a lot more and start adding whimsical nonsense that is off limits. Men know much better to avoid that and stay on course. It is the JK Rowlingnisation of rock.
This video by Sarah Hawkinson is a good example of why this is an issue. She is a typical example of a female metalhead with all the typical nonsense statements that go with that. She probably has borderline which explains why she has lots of videos about mental health. And she is a ginger! What is the world coming to. She made this video about showing all the band-shirts she has which is typical girly thing to do. You will see a lot videos from women about their band-tee collection i dont know why probably a typical subculture thing to do and girls really like that. She made another video complaining that women are not a loud to wear bandshirts because people were complaining about that video sending her angry email messages that she wasnt a real metalhead and so. Personally i dont care about that because metal sucks. But i do get the frustration people have with people who clearly have no real passion for the band they claim to like. Especially girls seem to wear bandshirts as if its some kind of accessory like its a bracelett or piece of clothing from a fashionable brand. You often notice this by how she and others stand in front of the mirror displaying those shirts like its a promdress she is wearing for a special occasion. Guys will never do that. What really gets me that a metalhead like her wears hardrock t shirts. She is wearing t-shirts of Van Halen, Motley Crue, Styx, Kiss, Whitesnake etc. with stupid metalcrap like Slayer, Metallica, Slipknot and Korn which is a complete insult for those bands. She also has this channel called 'possessed by horror' so we also get that cheesy horror angle thrown in. I my self like horrormovies but thats something thats absolutely seperated from the music i like. I cant stand it when bands sing about satan or murder. Unfortunately you get lots of nerdgirls like this that like horror stuff like this or silly comicbooks that start listening to hardrock music and give this music a dorky image with their presence. Thats why i dont mind it when Anastasiya Kvitko the eastern european fashion girl that wears an Iron Maiden t-shirt or Cameron Diaz who said that Ratt was her favorite band. That is okay because they are normal girls who are not part of a subculture and act in a mainstream way. But when you get geeky girls like this that are into horror or other freaky stuff like animea or wicca then that means trouble. They are Lindsay Ellis types who come along and ruin things with their incoherent rambling.
I actually think the guy with the cat avatar is right maybe its good to quiz some of these people about their pathetic knowledge of rock n roll and if they repeat one of these typical heavy rock myths like calling hardrock groups metal or calling 80srock guitarist that play fast solos 'shredding' they need to get fined and i expect them to pay me within a month. I do quiz people especially girls because most people are just immensly ignorant when it comes to rockmusic and their idiotic views do a huge damage to the good reputation of hardrock music thats getting ruined each day passes. You just need to watch youtube videos of the likes of Beth Roars or the the 'charismatic voice' woman who allways has that buffoonish amazed look on her face as if her mouth is about to be pentrated by a large penis. Any girl that has a video with 'female vocal coach judges this and that band' title stay clear of that. Operasingers should stay miles away from heavy rock music with their annoying warbling. They are not all bad. You occasionally get a good band like the Bangles or a good guitarist like Bonnie Raitt some good singers like Doro or Pat Benetar but mostly they are forgettable. So instead of wasting time caring about all those poor girls trying to motivate them to play rock maybe its time to care about poor rockmusic itself that is getting ruined by people that dont understand what its about including all those women that are inappropaitely encouraged to make rockmusic that only does more damage than good.


dumbo metalhead: shredmaster scott


dumbo metalhead: shredmaster scott

Youtube is especially designed so that people who dont know what they are talking about can post their ignorant views about rockmusic this doing nothing but ruin the good name of hardrock. Perfect example is this guy Shredmaster Scott who's misleading videos are cluttering up my sidebar. You can see looking at him that he is bad news. This guy is not your friend nor is he on your side. He is a perfect example of the type of phoney heavy rock fan you should be rebelling against. He has the standard metalhead viking look where we are supposed to laugh and go 'o cute what funny a metalguy dressing like a viking huhuhuhu (laughtrack button pushed in)'. I feel like getting a razor and shaving that ugly beard of him and taking that viking helmet and sticking it up his ass. If 'randy roads' saw this guy he would think he is a bum and smash his polkadot flying-V over his head. The fact that this guy has the word shred in his name is another obvious red flag. So what is the nonsense that we are hearing this time. There is lots to cut our teeth in but he is a big advocate of the 'hardrock bands inspired by clasicall music' ruse. Its one of the main themes running through lots of his videos. Its an obvious lie. He has clearly heard other people say that because nobody would hear Ozzy's music and conclude that it sounded classical. That only happens because of peer pressure. He has all these videos with titles like 'how would bach play like Randy Roads' or 'ten scales that make your music sound evil' which just goes to show how shallow metalheads views are about music. Its a complete insult that a thicko metalhead like him likes a talented rockguitarist like Randy Roads. Great hardrock music should be protected against stupid losers like this with their bad taste.

The music that Ozzy and Randy Roads make like other 80's rock has nothing in common with classical music despite what he claims in his videos. When people like this say that something sounds classical what they really mean is there is a small fairly insignificant bit somewhere in one of his songs that is inspired by bach or other classical musicians. Randy Roads may have a bit of solo or lick that is inspired by bach. This is not good enough reason to call Ozzy Osbourne's music classical inspired. Ozzy's music is way to simple and three chord-isch to be described as classical sounding. Classical musicians play long pieces sometimes twenty minutes long that consist out of different movements thats has a lot more complexity than rock. If bach would have heard ozzys music he would have hated it. He would have thought it was simple and repetitive sounding. I can only agree with that. Heavy metal music is supposed to sound simple and song orientated. All that ugly metaldrivel with their boring shredsolos and pointless tempochanges is anathema to the straight to the point approach of proper rockmusic. Less is definitely more and hardrock bands get that. Even 'yngwie malmsteen' who is tauted is being the benchmark of classical inspired rock only uses classical motives in his solos. His riffs and songsstructures dont sound classical at all and are in fact fairly simple sounding with typical verse-chorus-verse structures.

But this is something the people that write for guitarworld often do. They take insignificant things that only play a minor role in the music blow it up out of proportion so it seems like those aspects are very characteristic of the music. While actually it has very little to do with the approach of the band they are talking about. This way the narrative that classic rock is complicated music that is very technical is being sold to you. The average ignorant rockfan just accepts this without questioning so that rock aficionado's like me have to hear stuff like this. This is also the reason why a band like Apocalyptica is being pushed so much to make the link between classical and heavy metal. Subconsiously your being influenced by these tactics. Hardrock and classical music are at totall odds with each other. A band like Apocalyptica would never have existed in the eighties just like other bombastic nonsense like Aeyreon or Sabaton. Contrary to what people tell you most hardrock musicians aren't that good. They are skilled musicians but its not virtuosic music. Its actually with a bit of practice fairly easy music to play. This is not jazz that is really difficult music to play and you have to be a top level musician to play like that. But that does not fit into the whole story that the punk people are trying to sell you. They will tell you that punk is simple music and heavy rock is really difficult music to play but actually they are both simple music. The difference is that hardrock is three chords played well and used effectively while punk is three chords played sloppy and done poorly.

Another thing must be adressed is the liberal tossing around of the word 'shred'. Some people seem to think that anybody that plays faster than David Gilmour is a shredder. It goes without saying that Shredmaster Scott does this to. Whats in a name right? Ofcourse they do this because they want to lump people like Randy Roads or Ted Nugent into the same catagory as all those horrible Dragonforce type guitarists. But playing fast guitarsolos is not the same as 'shredding'. You can play lightning fast and still be miles removed from all those 'beethovens on guitar'. The difference is that good guitarsoloing has energy to it. There should be a sense of reckless abandon when you play a guitarsolo. Like fireworks going of. Shredplaying has this stilted artificial approach to it. It reminds of the way guitarteachers play. Technically well executed by very lifeless sounding. They can play as fast as they want but it never sounds fast. It just leaves you cold. I can once remember reading a review of Mahogany Rush and the person writing it called him a shredder. Which pisses me of because Frank Marino plays fast but he is no shredder. His solo in 'juggernaut' is miles removed from that post-Yngwie Malmsteen style and sounds genuinly impressive. Because guitarist in the 70s/80s sounded original and had their own style. This may come as a suprise to some but the shred-style is just 1% of how guitarists used to play. The other 99% sounded nothing like that so there was a lot more diversity. The shredguitarists sound very coockiecutter and you cant tell the one shredder apart from the other like shredmaster scott who's videos are designed so that you can also sound completely unoriginal. They are trying to frame this predictable style as what guitarsolo freaks are into and if you do not like this corny way of soloing you must be into sloppy indierock music. What a lie! Dont fall for this most guitarists hate this style to.


Clumsy classical composers who dont get rock


Clumsy classical composers who dont get rock

Sometimes its the most intelligent people that say the dumbest things. Take for instance classical composers. You would expect that performers of such difficult music would realize that metal or hiphop is crappy music. That is not the case as we can see in this video. Where clumsy classical musicians make a complete fool of themselves with their bizarre interpretations of metal. That makes sense because classical composers have a very distorted view of rockmusic. They base their ideas on shallow impressions that they have of hardrock and then you get videos like this. Lets listen to what they have to offer. We start with Tantacrul. Where have we heard that name before. O yes that is the guy with the anti-capitalist messages in everything he releases. Even in something as mundane as music you get people pushing their communist agenda. So a band like U2 is a commercial act because they are big but completely moronic music like metal is good because it is underground. He is clearly a punk. Probably a big fan of Black Flag. The woman you get after this works on my nerves with her pulling her silly faces. She has one of these playschool teacher voices which makes sense because she probably thinks the viewers are like a bunch of kids. She made a song called 'vaccine' because the fake pandemic that hasn't spread over the world and that caused half the population of the world to be locked up in their house must be promoted. The big pharmaceutical companys are getting free advertisement this way. We also get a bit of powermetal. I suppose we can also throw that in. I dont need to explain why this sucks (see website name).

Listening to the pieces they wrote they all have that unnatural complexity. As if you have to make your music very difficult to be interesting or to sound cutting edge. While their song sounds very predictable and do not have any character of their own. Its the same run of the mill metal music with unnecessary tempochanges and other clutter that we have heard so often. They and others make the same error that if complex music has become the norm you have to surpass that and make even more complicated music to sound original. While everyone that can think indepently can come to the conclusion that making straightforward music will sound a lot more fresh. Its time to go back to basics and develop in new interesting directions from there. The current musicscene has completely dried up creatively and this video is proof of that. David Bruce the guy responsible for this is a bit naive. He says that he started listening to metal because of Motorhead but he allready makes a huge mistake there. Motorhead is a 100% pure hardrock group where those devilhorn saluting bimbos are not aloud. He says that he made a song that sounds like Led Zeppelin but it does not sound anything like that band. This is clearly not Kashmir. Maybe in his skewed worldview it might resemble Led Zeppelin. But the real heavy rock fan isnt fooled by this.

His channel but also other youtube channels are chokfilled with chilldish comicbook characters and references to cartoons. Regularly the bart simpsons and futuramas will pop up out of nowhere. This is supposed to be funny but it is just very annoying. Thirty years ago you didnt think about putting such goofy stuff in a video about classical music. Classical composers were dignified gentlemen with blazers who approached everything they did in a very serious manner. If you would put silly cartoons in an educational video back then they would demand that you take it out immediately and not think about putting anything like that in the next time. Its a bit like 'early music sources'. The dexters and the rick&mortys pass you by regularly. But ofcourse how could i be so naive. Its classical music. Its supposed to have daft looking cartoons. Strange that i didnt see the link before. Its the 21st century after all and turning everything on its head is part of that. It is not supposed to make any sense. With rockmusic you can at least say that its carefree music where making stupid jokes works but classical music is thoughtfull complex music where a serious educational approach is needed. Even i as a rockfan tend to avoid that kind of thing. I tend to focus on the music and that kind of tomfoolery is just distracting. He can learn something of Rob Ager who approaches has videos in a serious manner. Its obvious that these people didnt make this out of respect for metal. They act like they like metal but actually they are just scoffing at it. They consider it something pathetic and laughable. Its just a scheme to earn your sympathy but actually they looking down on you.


Anthony Fantano is a charlatan


Anthony Fantano is a charlatan

There are a lot of youtube makers that are telling you a load of bullshit but if there is one guy i totally can not stand it is Anthony Fantano. He is much worse than Adam Neeley or Tantacrul. They are just annoying nerds who dont know what they are talking about but whenever his face shows up on the thumbnail i get the urge to strangle him. I cant stand the stupid expressions he makes with his face or the aloof fake enthousiasm with which he presents his music where you can sense he does not really like the music he is talking about. You should burry him on the area where they take a free kick and have his head stick out so people can practice taking penalties on his head. Maybe the dutch football team will perform better in the next EC or WC. Tony Fantano has earned himself a red card for his incoherent rambling. He has a pitchfork taste which shows that he has no rock n roll flowing through his veins. He often wears tshirts of metalbands like Death and Napalm Death and similar crap. He thinks you can like metal and still be a hip person. But altrockers hate metal so he loses all credibilty with those people and rightly so where it not that they have just as bad taste. We can assume that he is a political correct tinfoil hat wearer and yes his website and his youtube channel is brimming with ignorant cringeworthy statements. He has a video about that he is dissapointed that Kanye West wears a white lives matter coat. I find that a fairly tame way of showing resistance but to an easily shockable person like Anthony Fantano that act is a threat against society. Naughty Kanye West who does he think he is with such displays of independent thinking.  

To add insult to injury he is also a coronabeliever extraordinair. In the next video he talks about the ludicrous Neil Young versus Spotify nonsense. Ofcourse he sides with Neil Young what just shows that he is just as much a big dumbo as him. Which doesnt surprise me from such a spineless wimp. I think Joe Rogan should be knighted especially when he pisses of ignorant people like this. Than he starts talking like he is some sort of expert about the current state the world is in but he is just simply repeating the narritive that the gouvernment has told him. If you after all this time still believe the covid epidemic is real you should recieve a brain transplant because clearly you have cement in your head. He is also a Donals Trump hater. These guys are so predictable. I by the way have no problem if people do not like Donald Trump and vote for Joe Biden. Thats your own choice. But do research what he is saying and what the opposing party is saying and then decide on who you are gonna vote for. Dont just like this butthead hate on him because the news told you so. Its miserable little gits like this that help society go down the drain with their gullibilty. He probably thinks that it was terrible that people stormed the Capitol building on january 6th. I think its great that people are finally resisting their corrupt leaders with their tirannical measures. They should do that here too

Time to return to more musical nonsense. He is a big fan of Kendrick Lamar and anybody who thinks he is great particularly the album 'to pimp a butterfly' has outed themself as a musically ignorant person. But what really gets me is his use of the phrase hairmetal. Especially with that annoying nerdvoice of him. "Grunge was needed to kill of hairmetal". Bugger of will you! 80srock is lot better than 90srock. Hairmetal is such a meaningless phrase because it isnt a real genre. Its just hardrock music. When someone says that they dont like hairmetal that is just a codeword for that they do not like hardrock. Its so munipulative. I wish people like this would just be honoust and admit they dont like hardrock and stop use misleading phrases like 'hairmetal'. They act like they are on your side but make no mistake about it these people hate 70s/80s rock. They look down on you if you like Survivor or Le Mans. He will do all kinds cunning things to win over your trust. Like that Master of Reality album by Black Sabbath that sits on his cupboard that he should take down immediately. A metalhead like him should not be listening to a hardrock classic like that. I feel like sneeking into his house and confiscating that record an if he sees me i'll ram a flowerpot over his head.

It goes without saying that he uses the word metal to describe rockacts. He probably thinks that Black Sabbath is similar to all those doommetal bands but every genuine rocker can hear they sound nothing like crummy bands like St Vitus, Trouble or Type O Negative. He does reviews by artists like Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Led Zeppelin or Iron Maiden but they are no different then all those hairmetal groups. But ofcourse he does not like any of those bands. He is just trying to connect all those legendary bands to all that metal rubbish so that you are turned of liking them. He has made a video series about the five best albums of each decenium. It does not come as a surprise that he thinks that Led Zeppelin is the best of the seventies. Led Zeppelin is so not the best of the 1970s. I cant repeat that often enough. The seventies was brimming with great bands that were really talented. Lets roll out the list again. Uriah Heep, Genesis, Aerosmith, Steely Dan, the Sweet and so on. All just as special as Led Zeppelin. Mister Fantano should start deepening his knowledge about older rockmusic instead of repeating the popular opinion. Its even worse when he says that Master Of Puppets is the best rockalbum of the eighties. Thats even worse than thinking that Physical Grafitti is the best of the 70s. Led Zeppelin is still a great band. Metallica is just musical crud. At best an okay band that you can add te your record collection but certainly not better than Whitesnake, Iron Maiden, Journey, Quiet Riot or the Police. Saying that Metallica are better is a big insult to everything they stand for. He knows just as little about 80s rock as he knows about 70s rock.

Metallica is totally not thrashmetal. I am surprised that there are still people who think that. Master of Puppets is not the ultimate thrash album Reign In Blood is the ultimate thrash album. That band has that demonic, extreme and superfast sound that you associate with the phrase thrasmetal. Metallica are not the precursors of thrash they are the forerunners of metal in general. Heavy metal starts with bands like Metallica, Megadeth, Overkill. You can put a dot on the timeline when they arrive and say that is where metal begins. Before that there was no metal. All those bands like Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Thin Lizzy etc. are hardrock bands. Everone with ears on their heads can hear that. But he isnt listening properly. You can see that in his complete disdain for the high level of music making of the 70s and 80s in his best of the decenium videos. As if you can just sum up the greatness of the music of the 70s and 80s and even in the 90s in just five records. There are hundreds of records made in those decenia that deserve a ten. Lets not talk about all the nines. eights and sevens. You can sum up the nullies and tennies in just five records and i dont mean five albums that have a ten score. I mean there are only five records that were made in those decenia that were any good. So all those bands that he is proudly discribing as great records you can just ignore. But a guy like this doesnt know any better. He is still stuck in his musical plato-cave where trendy music moguls are projecting totall crap on the wall that mr four eyes here just takes for granted. While you as freethinking musiclover broke out of your chains years ago and started walking in the real world outside. Tony Fantano may never realise that he has been fooled. He makes Rick Beatto seem like a real rock expert. Which he isnt so that shows how little we should pay attention to the Needle Drops


Grumpy old men are right that todays music sucks


Grumpy old men are right that todays music sucks

There are a lot of people in the musicworld that have tinfoil hats on their head. People who politely accept the crap that the music establishment feeds them. Simply disagreeing with someone is an alien concept to these people. Mary Spender has her tinfoilhat screwed on tightly. She is probably a nice girl although i dont like her channel much. To much stuff about guitarbrands and guitarshops while i think videos about musictheory or tricks to learn to play your guitar better are more interesting. Her videos have to much rambling and meaningless chatter. But with the next piece she totally goes of the rails and she talks about something that has been bothering me for a long time. Namely protecting todays musicscene even if they should know better. You often see if you as a discerning musicfan voice your resentment about the lousy state of todays music that some people jump in to the defense of that crap. It is as if years of conditioning suddenly start coming to the surface and they feel that their trusted music community is under attack and such a stubborn spoilsport should be kept at bay. Its actually really good to be distrustfull of what happens in music and that you do not blindly accept what they shove in your face. It shows that you are a caring musiclover that cares about quality and doesnt want to see music go down the drain and that yes-(wo)men like this protect that.

She allready starts of wrongly by saying that people hate current music because of nostalgia. They are a bunch of grumpy old nay-sayers that cant see the greatness of Billie Eillish, Pharrel Williams or Adele and dont like that because they are desperately clinging on to youthfull memories. That just isnt right because i am a big fan of 60s/70s/80s music but i grew up in the nineties. If i would listen to music for nostalgic reasons then nineties and nullies music would be my favorite music. I find that 90srock was less good than the music of previous decades and in the nullies music was starting to sound like shit. Nostalgia has nothing to do with it. We get the older generations hated the music from back then (like rock n roll and jazz) so 'its the same thing now' talk. This is something for people who claim something that has a core of thruth(that older generations have difficulties adjusting to newer music) and turning that into a grotesque charicature. Older generations were not that closeminded. Artists like Elvis Presley and the Beatles sold hundred of millions of albums. The people buying those were not just teenagers. Dont forget that the Beatles played in front of the queen and Elvis shook hands with president Richard Nixon. So they didnt dislike them that much. The main reason older people did not like rock n roll is because older people were into classical music and popmusic was seen as something childish. Just like comics, toys and cartoons. In that time you were expected when you entered your twenties to behave like an adult and read books, watch films and listen to classical music leaving all that juvinile stuff behind you. Now its very normal that you like comics and rock n roll as an adult but that was not allways like that. People were also very stuck up and moralising in those days. People thought rock n roll was a threat to the establishment. People still often went to church. Men went in suits to their work and the women stayed at home to look after the kids and keep the house clean. Nowerdays you do not think music is bad because of moralistic reasons but because each time a new song comes on the radio you feel like puncturing your eardrums with a knitting needle because you cant stand to hear that autotuned garbage.

They want to give the impression that people are not open to new things and only start liking things when they have become the norm. But thats just elitist underground bullshit. Most people are perfectly capable of knowing when the current situation of a certain type of entertainment is good or bad. Take for example the movie Star Wars. When that movie came out it was a completely new type of film that was technically speaking of a much higher level than the science fiction films before that that were hokey and where the set looked like it was made of cardboard or paper maché. That movie became an instant succes and attracted tens of millions of moviegoers. People did not hate that film because it was new and they were part of the older generation and therefore have any nostalgic connection to it. They loved it because they were witnessing one of the greatest movies ever that was going to make a big impact on moviehistory. Around that time there were also a lot of other great sci-fi movies made like  Alien, Superman, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Bladerunner, The Thing. I dont get the impression that people in the end of the 70s early 80s were complaing about current state of scifi films and wanting to go back to those of the fifties or sixties. If youre living in the golden age you will know that. Its that simple.

She doesnt ever talk about the quality of the music. She only talks about how great new technology is and it makes music more accesible. I dont hear her talking about why music of today is just as good as that of the past. Its just a cheap trick to fool you that the state music is in is okay. I think all that technology is detrimental fot the development of music. She says 5G makes it easier for people to reach each other. But there you have it. The dreaded word 5G has been dropped. That is just a nefarious surveillance system were they can catch dissidents more easier that disagree with the fascist behaviour of our gouvernments and who do not stick to their social credit score. But who cares about that as long as you can download the newest marvel superhero movie when waiting for the bus or the newest X-box game while you are waiting to receive your order at the chinese restaurant then these orwelian methods are justified. Then this chick starts telling us that youtube and tiktok have brought the power back to the artists so that the big bad recordcompanys cant tell us what to do. You mean the big recordcompanies that brought out records by fantastic bands like Boston, Black Sabbath, Rush, Status Quo or LA Guns. I think the people that worked for those big labels had a lot more passion for music than all those fools that are making complete idiots of themselves on tiktok. If they with having talent mean transvestites that dance the hoolahoop while juggeling or ten year old south korean girls that play mindless shredsolos then that just proves my point. But you can by the way she uses dictionary definitions see that she can not think indepently and simply copies what she hears other people say.

Nobody is expressing any criticism in the music community. There is a stifling sense of consensus thinking. She gives this video a title like 'todays music sucks' but that is only to mock that notion. She is actually saying that if you think this you are closeminded and your not with the times. You dont hear any of these people genuinly criticizing music. There is an awfull feeling of solidarity everywhere. Its like im the only one whos resisting this crap and that should be a lot more. Its so lonely like this. You would expect that people would use youtube to express their dissatisfaction with music and generate discussion. With discussion i mean real discussion where the musical norm gets put in doubt. Not those fake discussions where people act like they are in disagreement but in fact agree with the status quo. Like we have done our duty discussing this but in the end we totally agree with the standard opinion and we were not gonna deviate from that even an inch. Thats not music criticism. Real music criticism is attacking the accepted opnion with a cleaver. You notice this in the fact that people dont like hating things. Like you are inciting hatred. While i think hating stuff is really good. I am fed up with this and i am gonna put an end to it. Not that acceptence duty that you get everywhere. 


Clumsy classical composers who dont get rock. part 2 Roger Scruton


Clumsy classical composers who dont get rock. part 2 Roger Scruton

I got a huge shock while i was watching this youtube video. Just while your sitting comfortably in you chair ready to listen to a talk by Roger Scrutton he suddenly out of nowhere mentions the band Atheist. I immediately spat out my coffee when i heard that. Bands like Atheist, Cynic and Pestilence are just fucking awfull and everyone with any feeling for music loathes bands like that. He starts talking about it around 15:00 into the video.Its unbelievable that a guy in a speech about how bad popmusic is suddenly promotes deathmetal bands that are a lot worse than all that popmusic crap. Roger if you want to make your point that modern day music is bad you should not defend that with even more terrible music than that. I think guys like this try to be edgy but it just shows they are totally clueless. If he likes a band like Athiest it makes all his statements about how bad popmusic is lose all its meaning. If he cant see that a band like that is bad then he clearly can not descern between good and bad music. All the good points he makes just lose their meaning. Looks like he fell for the 'its complicated therefore its good' ploy. But we all know that metalbands make their songs complicated to mask their lack of creativety. Atheist and the other bands i mentioned are perfect examples of this. They play deathmetal which is allready totall crap and add a tasteless shred approach to that which is a recipe for disaster. Trying to add all kinds of fusion-like virtuosity to something as stupid as deathmetal is like trying to stuff a skippybal into a drainpipe. Its mayble doable but the result is terrible.

Why do people use such shitty examples to back up the point they are trying to make. Next up he's going to tell as that Kendrick Lammar is such great music and that 'to pimp a butterfly' is the greatest album of the tennies. While in reality its a complete shit record. But the name Kendrick Lammar sounds suspect. Its one of those names like Lebron James another annoying person. You know that someone with a name like that is gonna be bad news. Its a shame because i actually really like Roger Scrutton. His pieces about why modern art is bad, architecture or like this video where he talks about the shitty state of popmusic are really things you can agree on. So why he suddenly makes this huge blunder is a mystery. The sad thing about all this is that this video is actually a great oppertunity to talk about good music. To show the listeners whats a good alternative to the rubbish you hear on the radio. For example he could use the song 'Music' by John Miles. That is a good example of how to put classical music into a popsong. As a lover of classical music he would appreciate this. Or the song 'The Bomber' by James Gang that suddenly in the middle of the song has a bit of Ravells Balero in it. Thats a tastefull way of using classical influences in rockmusic not in the cheesy and overblown way metalbands do it. But in this topsyturvy world they dont do that. Idiotic metalbands or braindead rappers are on the menu for us. While there is much better music out there you can use. Like i dont know: hardrock! Hardrock has lots of great examples to use like Solar Heat/Ready for Action by Gamma that starts with synthesizers like your a satelite floating through space and than suddenly switches to the kick as rock of 'ready for action'. Or 'sucking my love' by Diamond Head that has that strange emotional synth section in the middle of the song. That sounds really creative. Can you imagine a metalband doing that. Absolutely not! They have no imagination what so ever. He even in another lecture had the gall to say that U2 was bad music. Thats just ridiculous. I think the Edge is one best guitarists there is with his interesting use of delay and chorus. Definately a lot better than the crappy playing of bands like Atheist or Cynic.

But this is not really that surprising. He is part of the general ignorance people have about rockmusic. You often see this nonsense in tv-shows. Its a bit like that twat from Stranger Things that Eddie Munson character thats ofcourse nothing like an 80s heavy rock fan. Every real rockfan absolutely hates Dungeons and Dragons and other rpg games and would kick Eddie Munsons ass. Actually the Billy Hargrove guy that they had earlier was much better. He was beating up those annoying D&D playing nerds which is something a genuine hardrock fan should be doing. If it was up to me thats what we should be doing nowadays with all those nerdy vikings that are ruining heavy metal. They actually got it right the first time. Why do they have to ruin it with such a moronic character. But that is to be expected because the clueless audience that knows nothing about 80srock gets a wrong impression about this kind of music. Thats what these tv shows are designed to do. They take somebody with a hardrock-ish look like having a fringe or tight jeans but add ugly metal atributes to it like being into satanism or stupid lunkheaded behaviour so you get the impression that they are just like metalheads and dumbo people who see that and base their views on shallow popculture images are probably thinking to themselves "well thats what heavy metal fans were like back in the 80s". Sorry mate they were nothing like that. Hardrockers were streetsmart and levelheaded and were nothing like a goofbal like this. But ofcourse the gullible viewers just swallow it al without any doubt. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Why music today does not sound angry and punk is not the anwser


Why music today does not sound angry and punk is not the anwser

The government wants to control the youth and they dont want you to resist and doubt their shady plans. One of those ways is through popmusic. In particular punk is something our rulers are a big fan of. Punk gives the impression that its dangerous music thats against the establishment but they have been fooled because punk is exactly the type of fake rebelious music that our leaders love. People like Joe Biden and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are chuckling each time when one of those fools thinks that punk is liberating music. "Another person that has been suckerd by us" they think to themselves. You know when someone says that punk is rebelious music that person is not a rebel and everything said in this video is proof of that. Ofcourse we can leave that to the state media to realise that. So it does not come as a surprise that they have that as an item. The girl that present this knows nothing about music and has her tinfoil hat screwed on thightly. She doesnt give a shit about music. She is just doing what she has been told. Its also presented in such a clumsy way with bad graphics. Just like dutch tv programs and films where they cant act.

We hear the same issues like the climate, racism or the fake covid crisis passing by. These are the things that all those angry punkbands are reacting against to show how anti authoritarian they are. But if they are really against the establishment they would realise that those things are bullshit. This is exactly the type psy-ops they use to restrict your freedom. It may come as a surprise to all those punks but the regimes that they hate totally agrees with them. They also think the Co-2 should be reduced or that the farmers are not alowed to use nitrogen and that you should be foolly vaccinated. This is all mandated by the United Nations and the European Union. If you resist those things your doing what they want. Im surprised that people still see punk as something thats really rebelious. Its clear that the music is fairly well behaved and that the music is made by trendy herdfollowers. What year are we living in. You would expect that people would realise after all this time that punk is part of the establishment. Just leave that to the gullible youth of the public media to give you that impression. Punk is pure controlled opposition to stop you from listening to real rebelious music like the mainstrem rock of the 70s and 80s that all the punks hate.

The bands we get to see just show how retarded punkbands can be. Especially the lyrics are embarrassing like 'Get your suitcase and get out of my street' or 'No fuckin expensive fuckin house'. What kind of braindead lyrics are that. Thats the type of stuff that kids in primary school write in their notebooks when there bored not something that you record and put on a record. That while those uncool 70s bands wrote great lyrics with lot of depth like Hotel California from the Eagles. Can you imagine a punkband with a text like 'some dance to remember some dance to forget' or 'they stabbed it with their steely knives but they just cant kill the beast'. Thats something a punk just cant grasp. The girl who is presenting this probably think those are weird sentences and would rather hear the simplistic ranting of the punks. Hotel California is used as an example of how bad music was in the seventies where the punks rebelled against. Its at least a step forward. Our intelligence isnt insulted by using wimpy stuff like Brotherhood of Man like in the trailer of the Sex Pistols series. Its still an overplayed song that can turn people of. Thats something they have clearly thought through. They are not accidentally gonna play songs like 'Space Station No.5' of Montrose or 'A Farewell To Kings' from Rush. That goes against the script. The problem is that kids that know nothing about classic rock miss the context of the 70s and do not understand that there is more than Hotel Califonia or Dancing Queen. They it is just a case of punk vs Hotel Califonia or Staying Alive and then it seems like punk is really raucous music that is rebelling against boring bands like the Eagles or the Beegees. The real rock coinnaisseur those that there was a lot more variety.

The bloke she is interviewing is just talking crap. He says that music back than sounded boring and bombastic and punk brought music back to basics with a three chord approach. Because all those bands back then where just playing 20 minute song with all drumsolos and guitarwankery. Bullshit! Lots of bands in the 70s played three chord songs. Just listen to the average song back then in count the amount of chords in the verse and its mostly three or four sometimes less sometimes more. The difference is that mainstream rock acts used those simple songstructures in a effective way and knew how to make great songs of them while the punks just sound sloppy. I think its a shame that people associate playing simple with punk and that they think the phrase 'three chord music' means bands playing badly or who have songs that sound all the same with no variation. But you can make music that sounds simple and direct and still have good playing technique have variety and a certain degree of complexity. But even classic rock fans themselves get tricked by this and say stuff like 'i dont like three chord punk music i want to have music with depth'. While all the bands they like (Lynyrd Skynnyrd, Raven,Blue Oyster Cult) play very simple music. You should be proud of that and not feel ashamed of it. But thats the point of punk. They want to scare you from playing simple. Thats the reason why they have all this terrible music going on particularly in metal that sounds unneccesary complex. They think 'we are not like those punkbands that play simple''we are serious musicians therfore we must play complex'. Its not three chords that is the issue its the amateuristic shoddy playing that make punkgroups bad. Hardrock bands play three chords with precission and therfore hit harder. While punkbands despite the claim that they sound so tough just dont make any impact with their ramshackle approach. 

The issue i have with punk is not that its bad. The problem is that people talk about it like its this really important phenomenon that stands for freedom, individualism and resistance. Whats just a load of nonsense. I have the impression that its more a breeding ground for groupthink and where independent thought is surpressed rather than its encouraged. You know it by the fact that one of the bands is called the Covids. That is supposed to be ironic but its deadserious. The message is 'you should stick to the corona rules'. Its like the song 'Bohemian Without You' of the Dandy Warholes what is meant as a reaction against the herdfollowing urge in the indierock scene but is actually a celebration of the trendy hipster mentality. If punk genuinly was about resistance they would be like the yellow vests and storm the capitol building. They dont do that. The seem to be fine with the tirannical behaviour of our leaders. I think its crap when people say you shouldnt use violence and demonstrate in a peacefull manner. That is totally not effective. They will just laugh at that and continue with their evil ways. While violent action against those tyrants after everything they have done is completely justified. They have absolutely crossed the line with their supressing measures. There will be enough punks that disagree with those things but so do a lot of normal people. Punks have these screwed up views about whats wrong or right. Because its terrible if people cant get a home but forcing a curfew on people is fine. The consumer society is such a bad thing. People buy things brrr. that so bad. Thats way more bad than having a chinese social credit score that they want to introduce here.

You see this pretentious mentality with a lot of youtube videos about completely anonymous punkbands that do nothing special where the people featured will tell you that they make important music that will change your life. The band they are talking about just makes the same mediocre music all the other punkacts are making that we have heard a thousand times before. My advice is do not make a documentary about your own band. It will give your band a scary pretentious image you as rockgroup want to stay clear from. In the end it is just popmusic. That doesnt need such a deep analysis. I am a big fan of hardrock but such an educative approach is inappropriate with such carefree music. I think it hurts the bands more then that it promotes it. They will just try to make a laughing stock of such a band just like that film about Anvil. Its just painful to see as a fan of that band how a band like that is being made to look like a bunch of fools and they dont even realise it. The people who see that with their shallow popculture views will get a wrong idea about such a band and hardrock in general. Despite what the people in this video want to tell you punk has a fairly artificial agression. Lets be honoust if you are really pissed of are you gonna put on punkmusic. Definitely not me. I get that satisfaction much more from bands like Gillan, Loverboy or Ratt. I think everyone with the rock n roll heart in the right place knows that. PUNK IS JUNK! Dont forget that.


Tantacrul and how "evil" capitalism influences music


Tantacrul and how "evil" capitalism influences music

You may have noticed this but there is an increase of youtube channels that are trying to corrupt you with all kinds of shady marxist views. I call them 'commie channels'. Perfect examples are Adam Neeley, 12 Tone, this guy Tantacrul the Mary Spender chick i did before or the Punk MBA goofbal i hit on earlier. If you hear somebody trashtalk capitalism and make statements like "capitalism is responsible for everything bad in the world" or "thats capitalism for you" you know you are dealing with a complete fool that has fallen for communist lies. They will try and rationalize it but they are just suckers who have accepted bullshit. Tantacrul is a perfect example of this. You will see hundrerds of videos going to great detail about how evil companies are influencing the most inane things like adverts, children song, music in supermarkets. All by that terrible capitalism. You know that evil capitalism that has turned western countries into prosperous well functioning countries while all those terrific communist countries were all lead by dictatorial regimes who surpess the population and who throw anyone that disagrees with them in the slammer.

This guy when he goes into a foodstore or a toolshop he is probably listening to the music thats on and hearing the same pophits and being annoyed by that. "Why cant they play underground music like Black Flag or Sonic Youth or Lamb Of God". Those evil companybosses that are ruining music in the name of capitalist dictum. Where is the world coming to. It has nothing to do with capitalism or consumerism. Its that music is not the focus. Its a bit like a recordstore owner puts tulips on the windowsale to liven up the place. Imagine if a flower fanatic enters the shop end sees the tulips in the windowsale they will find that predictable because tulips are very common flowers. Liking tulips is a very commercial thing to do. Thats not underground enough for a flowerfanatic. They will wonder why you do not have more exotic flowers like lotuses from India or Japanes banzai trees. This recordshop is shallow for not having weird or unknown flowers. Is it justified to hate a recordstore for not having a big assortment of flowers. Ofcourse not! Because recordstores are not about flowers but about music. You go there to get records what kind of flowers they have and how beautiful they look does not matter. And for exactly the same reason it doesnt matter one little ounce that they play good music at a supermarket because just like in a flowershop music is not the main reason to go there you go there to get groceries. The music is a backdrop while your doing your shopping like flowers in a recordshop. But guys like this dont get that simple logic. Music where ever you go be it a cafe, restaurant, supermarket, kindergarten, flowershop has to be top notch level what for people like this means playing obscure underground music like punk, metal, hardcore lousy avantgarde music which is ironically all rather crappy sounding. Worse than the socalled bad music in foodstores. I work in a supermarket and i can attest that besides the the ocassional modern hit with annoying autotune warbling the music is fine.

In the video above he is attacking Thoughty2 because he dares to claim that music today is not of the same level it used to be. Good heavens how does he dare say that. This is something i do not understand people that defend the current state of music even though its obviously terrible. I suppose the statement 'warning musical nonsense ahead' in the thumbnail is reffering to himself. I do not agree with everything that thoughty2 says he can bullshit a bit himself. But at least he is challenging conceived notions unlike tantacrul and others like him who see it as their duty to protect all that garbage instead of confronting it. Like thoughty2 is doing and making good points like showing that songs used to be more complex and had better melodies then todays songs. All tantacruls responses come down to 'he is disagreeing with the popular opinion therefore he must be stopped'. He actually does the complete opposite. He makes me feel sympathy for thoughty2. He now seems like this smart dude that is hitting the nail on the head. Who would've thought that. Often guys like this will respond with the predictable "popular music is bad but in the underground you will hear great music" response. Dont make me laugh! You mean like deathmetal, punk, goulish looking bands like Ghost or faddish kendrick lamar style hiphop. No thank you very much id rather stick to the great bands of the past something that thoughty2 is trying to explain to you. So pay more attention next time. You do not need to analyze music or dig deep to understand that todays music is shit. Just listening to the music going on around you is enough. As someone working in a supermarket im at ground zero to judge what music sounds like and it is not a pleasent experience. He makes the same error as thoughty2 to think that studies mean anything but you can only use them as support to the argument your making. It does not conclusivily prove that you are right. So the 'this study supports what i am saying therfore your wrong' thinking goes out of the window.

He has video after video telling us how greedy bussinessmen are producing soulless music for videos, product presentations, adverts etc. If we would extract this corporate mingling the music would sound a lot better. This is clearly not true. You can see it when he complains about music used in videos presenting new products that it is unimaginative and using for instance Aphex Twin would improve it a lot. But music used in presentations does not need to sound good it is there to underscore the presentation and make it sound more selfconfident so that the other company will be more likely to buy the product. If they would have had just silence its not gonna have the same sense of awe. Why do adverts have anonymous backing music. Because having 'fools overture' from Supertramp on your advert is extremely distracting. All the viewers would be enjoying the song and will not pay attention to the advert. Thats why they have special background music so it doesnt overpower the message and people can focus on the product they may or may not want to buy. This is not rocket science it all makes sense. But what do i know i am just capitalist stooge. You can see that he actually doesnt really care for music when he disses U2 who he thinks is "too corporate". When somebody doesnt like U2 and thinks they are too commercial they are just hating on music because its too popular and therefore not cool enough not because its bland. If there is one band that became huge without giving into trends its U2. Have you for instance noticed that Larry Mullens drums did not have that gated drum sound that was popular in the 1980s. That is what im talking about. To me hating a big band like U2 is a red flag that they do not like music for the right reasons. Bit like hating Journey or Billy Joel. They would rather have shitty metalcrap like Testament or Morbid Angel because 'thats underground'. The more i think about it most music in adverts sounds a lot better than lot of music he likes. Its funny that he has a video about elitism in music while disliking a band like U2 and music in commercials shows that he's elitist himself.

Same thing goes for another video of his where he moans about music used in the background in nature documenteries. He focuses on one scene in particular that has a crocodile swimming past looking for pray with for most people perfectly understandable threatening music in the background. This is proof for him that the makers are being manipulative and that that is somehow corny. Well ofcourse they are using scary music because thats fits with what is happening on screen. Its what makes it exciting. What does this guy expect that they have happy sesame street music in the background when a ferocious crocodile is swimming past. This is what i mean complaining about things that dont matter. While everybody else can totally see why it makes sense to do that. There is a difference in something being predictable and something being appropriate. He is totally not seeing how the music perfectly underscores the things happening on the screen. He even complains in another video about that childrens music is being dumbed down by the same sleazy businessman and that all the lullabies that you play to your kids should be freaky sounding avantgarde music. They will more likely have nightmares of that. Children are not that smart and their tastes are a lot less sophisticated. It makes sense that the things they like like music, games or cartoons are simple and not very deep. Watch out even your toddlers are not safe from the moaning of these guys. Its not difficult to figure out where he gets his ideas from. He mentions he reads a book by Theador Adorno and that is one biggest creeps of the 20th century. He is one of the founders of the 'Frankfurter Schule' a commie project that birthed all those facsist ideas that we are stuck with today. He belongs in same group of thugs like George Soros and Klaus Schwab people you should never listen to. Wonder where all those ridiculous ideas come from like that you shouldnt insult people because of their racial background or that gender is a false construct guys like him are to blame. Sometimes i feel like bringing senator Joe Mcarthey back from the dead so he can kick these guys ass with their anti-corperate moaning.

He doesnt understand what elitism is. He like many others just think that elitism means "not liking something". While in reality its the opposite. Lot of elitist people tend to like things out of an misplaced openmindedness. They will read some Vice article praising the great deathmetal scene of tanzania or the sludgecore scene of taiwan where they dress up looking like ants or something silly like that and without any scepticism be impressed by that and start supporting all that crud. An ordinary person while see it for the crap that it is and point at the dead obvious. Working class people will proudly show their hatred for awfull music and no amount of cheap highfalutin talk will change their mind. So hating music is actually very anti-elitist. When 'not liking something' does become elitism when people hate music because its "too popular". Entire musicscenes have gone to hell because of that "its too commercial" mindset while the supossed mainstream sound was much more superior. You notice this especially with heavy metal that when it used to be commercial music it was way better with better music, lyrics, attitude the way they dressed. With the arrival of dumbo underground bands like Exodus, Cannibal Corpse, Powerwolf, Biohazard that all got competely ruined. So much for the superiority of underground music. He doesnt want you doubting anything or that you come to the conculsion that the music happening around you sucks. 'I think that sounds crap' is a statement that sends shivers down the spine of people like this. They will respond with writing convoluted essays with impressive sounding universitarian jargon which is basicly just word salad that you should not be impressed by. Just stick to your working class hatred for shitty bands and dont let elitist guys like this tell you otherwise.