Iron Maiden and Judas Priest not the same
Am I the only who thinks its odd when people constantly match Iron Maiden and Judas Priest together as if they make the same kind of music. Often people claim that "band X sounds like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest". The band in question is often a meaningless metalband who sounds laughably not like Maiden and/or Priest. But the strangest thing is that Judas Priest and Iron Maiden don't really sound that alike. Whats the difference? Well Iron Maiden's music sounds a lot more complex and varied than that of JP. You will never hear Judas Priest play songs like 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner', 'Alexander the Great' or 'Phantom of the Opera'. Iron Maiden uses galloping rhythms that you dont hear with Priest who sound a lot more tighter and groovier. Just listen to 'Piece of Mind' and than compare that with Screaming For Vengeance it's a very different approach. The lyrics of IM are more fantasy orientated while Judas Priest's are a lot more grounded in daily life.
This ofcourse has nothing to do with the music. That people compare bands with Iron Maiden and Judas Priest has nothing to do with the music but its more a way of showing that those bands are 'old school metal'. This is a fundamental error because IRON MAIDEN AND JUDAS PRIEST FOR CHRIST SAKE DONT MAKE METAL!! They are hardrock bands and all those dorky metalbands must never be compared with such legendary acts. Metallica, Testament or Mercyfull Fate are 'old metal' so campare all those sucking bands with them. This is a typical example of symbolic comparison. These lazy comparisons are made because of the (suposed) association with the band not because the group they are comparing it to sounds the same. Just like people compare bands with AC/DC or Motorhead (another terrible pairing) because they are so-called simple sounding while you could compare them to all the other hardrock bands because heavy metal is by definition simple music. Or when people rather annoyingly compare bands who write catchy songs with the Beatles. Stop it! I've got only one thing to say about this: FUCK SYMBOLIC COMPARISONS!! A band must sound like a band to be compared to that band. That's that. Iron Maiden and Judas Priest don't sound like each other so there is no reason to compare bands with them. If anybody is gonna mention those bands together again i'm gonna lynch them.
Guitar Institute Of Apathy
You will probably have noticed this yourself but don't you get annoyed when a guitarist is asked about his influences you allways hear the same awnser: Yngwie Malmsteen, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai. YAAACH! That really works on my nerves. This is typical of the predictable way of thinking of the average metalfan. Clearly we are supposed to think that these guitarists are very good because they play incredibly fast. This is a perfect example of the naive way of reasoning that you get with metalheads because there are enough gitaristen who don't play as fast as the corny names mentioned above but make a lot better music with a lot more feeling and inovation. The whole shred guitarstyle is one of the worst things to happen to the world of guitar. This kind of soulles playing has given technically acomplished guitarplaying a bad name. I give all those Yngwie Malmsteen type guitaristen that you got in the late80s and 90s the blame for all those sloppy and amateurish guitarists that have come up since Nirvana and Green Day. The shred-guitarists have scared of people from playing in a proper way and caused many people to start playing in a deliberately crappy way so that we are stuck with crap like White Stripes and Blink 182. Which is understandable to a certain extent cause if I only knew guitarplayers like Steve Vai and John Petrucci I would hate technically accomplished and fast guitarists. Thankfully I do know better and I know that the best music is made by musicians that know how to play well. I am sure if all those young guys would hear guitarists like Joe Walsh, Michael Schenker, Rory Gallagher or Alex Lifeson they would throw away their crummy indierock cd's and will be motivated to play their instruments well. Those guitarplayers are real craftsmen that play with a lot of emotion are creative and still play very fast. The idea that technically acomplished guitarists are empty soulles musicians is absolute rubbish but ofcourse all those Allmusic Guide/Rolling Stone followers will try everything to convince you otherwise and urge you to listen to all that trendy crap like Pavement and Beck.
What surprises me the most is when people mention the overated trio is that the music they make has nothing to do with those musicians. Yngwie, Vai and Satriani are hardrock guitarists what have bands that make metal got to do with that. It's allways powermetal guitarists that mention those guitarplayers as influence. You would expect people that make that kind of music to site the guitarists of Helloween and Blind Guardian as their inspiration. But ofcourse they wouldn't unoriginality is what powermetal is all about. Also deathmetal bands and even hardcore acts cite the infamous trio as a big influence. Unbelievable! But doing what people expect of you is what metal is all about and if the rest of the metal target-audience cite the three musketeers of shred-playing you as genuine metalhead follow suit. And now we have come to the main cause of that awfull shredstyle. The 'Guitar Institute Of Technology' the infamous music-school in Los Angeles. That name allready sounds so horribly clinical that fits perfect with the insipid style that people play there. It's more like a factory assembly line where guitarists are squeezed into a certain style of playing instead of being encouraged to develop their own style. And ofcourse the shred-style is the norm. Don't even think about doing something else. They probably have a statue of Yngwie Malmsteen in their schoolyard. Lets not forget their little propaganda magazine Guitarworld that focusses more on who can play the fastest instead on genuine talent. My advice for guitarists who have just started playing their instrument avoid the Guitar Institute Of Dullness and all those other boring music-schools as the plague and try figure out for yourself how to play guitar. Rock n roll is music of the streets not the conservatory. Let's hope the Guitar Institute Of Technology gets blown up maby we will get some creative guitarists again.
Hardrock records not in the metal-section
I may be the only one but dont you get extremly irritated of how record-stores divide their music in the shop. There is nothing as annoying as going into a musicshop in search of a cool band and that their cd is in the metal-department. Clearly there are idiots that think that hardrock bands like Rainbow, Iron Maiden or Motorhead make the same music as all those stupid metalgroups. Then they are totally ignorant because people who are fan of old rockmusic consider it a big insult to stick such great bands inbetween all that metalcrap. Can you still remember in the 80s and the 90s (when people actually knew something about music) you used to go to the cd-store and hardrock groups where allways put in the hardrock segment. If you would look on the sticker of cds of AC/DC, Whitesnake or Ozzy Osbourne you would allways see under the bandname and title gloriously the word hardrock. You didnt even think about using that awfull M-word. Unfortunately the musicbusiness is nowadays run by all these autistic nerds who have a completly bureaucratic and incorrect way of catagorising music which results in great bands like Dio, Scorpions and Nazareth ending up among totall trash like Cradle Of Filfth, Avantasia, Morbid Angel and Epica. The worst thing is that people start associating these legendary bands with all that metal-rubbish. But ofcourse thats exactly what they want you to think. People must be discouraged to listen to hardrock and the best way to achieve that is to let people think its metal. Everyone that has an IQ higher than that of a jellyfish dont want to have anything to do with that metal stuff. Thats why its so incredibly important to explain to people that hardrock is totally different music than metal. So please do us a favour and give hardrock its own space so we can avoid any more confusion. But why should hardrock have its own section anyway. I dont see why hardrock cds couldnt be included in the ordinary pop/rock department. Its not as if that kind of music is so different than say U2 or Nirvana. Its understandable that metal gets its own segment because its much more extreme and brutal than ordinary rockmusic. But hardrock is accesible and mainstream enough to be part of the popsection. This way a lot of people who arent familiar with hardrock music can get to know these bands. And maybe a Radiohead or Foo Fighters fan will see an Accept or Skid Row record and think to themselves, hey why not.
Iron Maiden not for wimpy guys
One of the big mysteries in the world of popmusic is the song 'Teenage Dirtbag' by the band 'Wheatus'. Beside the fact that its an awfull song, the singers has an annoying voice and the lyrics are terrible the whole point of the song just doesn't make any sense. The song is a about a guy that gets bullied because he listens to Iron Maiden??? What the fuck has Iron Maiden got to do with losers that get bullied at school. What gives the guys that are responsible for this song the idea that insecure nerds would listen to a genuine hardrock band like Maiden. Iron Maiden is a 100% pure jockrock band were dorks, geeks and losers are not welcome. This is more a band for the bullies than for the ones that are getting bullied. The funny thing is i'm not the only one that has noticed this. My mother heard this song on the radio and even she thought it was odd that a nerd would listen to a band like Iron Maiden. Totally right and my mom does not know anything about rockmusic and even she thought those lyrics were stupid. I mean there must be better examples that fit better with what the song is about like groups like Blur or Blink 182 that are arch-typical nerdbands. Or ofcourse powermetalacts like Steel Prophet or Edguy or perfect examples of what bullied kids would like. What surprises me is that people take this. You would at least expect that rockfans would get enraged by this put the members of Wheatus on a scaffold and throw rotten vegetables at them. Unfortunately nothing happens. The modern wellbehaved rock/metal audience just accepts it. I on the otherhand feel like chopping the bandmembers of Wheatus to pieces with a chainsaw. These kind of bands want you to think that heavy rock is music for losers. Well then they are completely wrong because heavy metal has never been music for kids that get teased. Not that hardrockers are ultra-macho guys they are just not the kind of guys you can fuck around with and who can perfectly hold there ground.
Motorhead. No Punks allowed!
This is one of those annoying myths that just works on my nerves. How in heavens name do people get this stupid idea that Motorhead is something that is related to punk. Motorhead is a 100% pure hardrock band where punks and similar types are not welcome. Unfortunately all those so-called rockfans of today are completely ignorant so that these kind of misunderstandings slip into the musicscene. Because of this we are constantly bombarded with retarded comments like ''Motorhead has a lot of punk energy" or "Motorhead is more like punkband than a heavy metal group''. People that say this kind of crap should be thrown to the lions because it's first class nonsense.Calling Motorhead a punkband is heresy. It is like building a satanic chuch on the grounds of Vatican City. Don't even think about it. It may come as huge surprise to all those brainwashed rocknerds of today but in the 20st century punks totally hated Motorhead and rightfully so and anybody who dared to call Motorhead a punkgroup could expect to get a big punch in the face. Nobody saw a connection between Motorhead and punk which is totally logical because heavy metal is totally different music than punk. Punks are polically correct dorks that live in squats while Motorhead and heavy rock bands in general are more Easy Rider guys that ride Harleys.
It's only in the 21st century with the arrival of luckyrock bands like Peter Pan Speedrock and Zeke that the confusion started. Even though these bands do not sound at all like Motorhead this caused the impression that they were making punk-related music and ofcourse all those stupid punks are fooled by this. Unfortunately there are no real rockers anymore who resist this bullshit. They are replaced by all these faceless metalheads who have zero selfconfidence and who believe everything that Kerrang or the Metalarchives tell them. What surprises my the most is when people think Motorhead sounds different from other hardrock acts. As if they make completely different music. This just shows how ignorant a lot of people are about heavy rock because Motorhead is perfectly comparable with how heavy metal bands used to sound like. There were so many bands back then that played kick-ass rock n roll just listen to the band Riot or the Japanese group Bowwow or Picture all bands that make music similar to Lemmy&Co. But all those buffoons probably think that powermetal is real heavy metal so ofcourse they think that Motorhead isnt real hardrock. I dont understand that "fans" of this band like moronic bands like Nashville Pussy or Hellacopters. You would think that people who like this band would check out the NWOBHM acts and listen to for instance Saxon instead of those luckyrock groups. Or 70s bands like Nazareth, AC/DC, Rainbow or Budgie who clearly have inspired Motorhead. The coin just doesn't drop. So listen very clearly: Motorhead is a fuckin heavy metal band and anybody that calls this a punk band should get shot!!
Guns n Roses overrated but not bad
You might have noticed that I think that Guns n Roses is a very overrated band. It's unbelievable that all those misinformed rockgeeks think that they are such a great band while there are much better hardrock bands out there. But I never said they were bad. They are a fairly good band. Compared to all that schlock out there that passes for rock nowadays it is not that big of a surprise that people think they must be a very good band. The genuine hardrock fan knows better and realises that acts like Judas Priest and Montrose are 100 times better. But I want to talk about a bunch of pieces in the NME(yuck) called Sacred Cows about bands they considered overrated. Guns n Roses is one of the groups mentioned. A perfect candidate you might think. But this article is filled with complete crap. You might even start to think that Guns n Roses isn't overated at all but underated judging by what is written here. This piece and the bloke that wrote it are perfect examples everything that is wrong about the post-Metallica generation that completely ruined heavy metal during the nineties. It's clear that this guy is a metalpunk that totally does not like hardrock. He says that the heavy rock of the seventies is retarded music and that conservative hairmetal acts like Motley Crue, Wasp, Poison and Guns n Roses are stuck in that period while "progressive" bands like Napalm Death, Slayer, Carcass and Mayhem are making interesting music. What he actually means is that glammetal bands like Motley Crue, Guns n Roses make real heavy metal similar to the bands from the 70s/early80s and that groups like Slayer and Napalm Death and those other crap bands he mentioned are actually just a bunch of vegaburger-eating punks who have nothing in common with real heavy rock.
You must at least give him credit for being honoust that he thinks hardrock is shitmusic and that bands like Slayer en Napalm Death are fake-heavy metal groups who by the way are absolutely not progressive or refreshing. But clearly guys like this think that progression means playing as loud, fast and stupid as possible because intelligence and musical values do not play a role in metal. Then he starts complaining about that they are such racists and sexists. Why? Because he uses some swearwords? Making insults has nothing to do with racism and all that stuff. Racism means that there is inequality in a society and that there are different rules for certain ethnic groups in a country. Axl Rose can make as many insulting remarks as he wants it is still not going to have anything to do with racism or sexism. Everybody with a little bit of common sense is gonna understand that a song like 'One In A Million' is made to express a certain dissatisfaction not because there is some serious hatred under it. But this is probably way to honoust and direct for all those metaldorks. They want to make heavy metal a wellbehaved and predictable style of music so that it becomes safe for all those wimpy Pitchfork hipsters. It's time to put an end to all this nonsense and people including the fool that wrote this piece who are offended by lyrics about 'chiks' or 'tits and ass' must be kicked out of hardrock music immediately. It is totally understandible that you think that Guns n Roses is overrated but definately not for his reasons. Than you can just as well consider GnR the best band in the world. But what do you expect of hardrocker that writes for the NME. Than you know it's going to be bullshit.
Heavy metal. Not a Lifestyle!
We all know the images of from all those stupid metal-documentairies like 'Global Metal' or 'A Headbangers Journey'. All those fat tattoed buffoons with ugly piercings in their mug and ofcourse a wall of devilhorn-salutes. But what annoys me the most are meaningless remarks like "metal is lifestyle", "We are one family" or "metal is part of my identity". What a gigantic rubbish. It's clear that they are just repeating what they hear other people say. 99% of people we say this stuff won't be listening to metal in a few years time. They will have grown over it (rightly so) dress like normal people do and listen to music like Simply Red and Maroon 5. Nobody likes metal because they feel any genuine affection for the music metal is way to shallow and IQ-destroying for that. They listen to it because they want to be part of a group. They are just a brainless sheep who confuse their urge to follow the herd with genuine passion. So forget about all that stuff about lifestyle/subculture/identety they are just adapting to the rules of the metal-target audience. How different this all was in the rational 70s/80s when hardrockers would never say the stupid rhetoric listed above. Nobody gave a damn about subculture or identity. It was all much more about the music. Rockers were just fans of a band or music that typical hardcore mentality didn't really play a very big role then. Ofcourse there was a sense a comradery in hardrock but it was more like with football fans. You don't say about somebody who is a big fan of Manchester United that he is part of a "Manchester United subculture". Or somebody who reads Batman as being part of a "Batman subculture". That's how it just to be with heavy metal. Hardrockers are just normal mainstream guys who just happen to like loud rockmusic. The whole target audience-mentality came later and has only caused a lot of trouble. So don't let people stick you in to a subculture you are more than your music taste.
No more covers please!
The only thing worse than nobody covering your songs is being covered by a band that sucks. It's painfull to hear that a song from your favorite band gets totally raped by a bunch of imbecils who have absolutely no understanding of what their music is all about. A perfect example is the cover of the Iron Maiden song 'Hallowed Be Thy Name' by Cradle Of Filfth. This embarrasing remake of the IM song used to be played a lot at a bar where I used to go. Each time the song came on I felt like throwing the cd-player out of the window and strangling the bandmembers and the person who put it on. It is baffeling that some Maiden fans see this as compliment. Iron Maiden fans who do not feel like puking when they hear this aren't real IM-fans. Period! The most typical example of this are the cover-songs of Metallica. Metallica should keep their filfthy hands of bands like Diamond Head, Budgie, Thin Lizzy, Lynyrd Skynyrd etc. It's just makes you cringe when you hear those great classic rock tunes getting the ugly Metallica metal-treatment. Even worse are Slayer remakes of Iron Butterfly "yuck!", Judas Priest "Blaargh!" (My little white plastic bag is full-up now). Let them cover punksongs that clearly is more up their alley. It's also terrible when fairytale-metalgroups like Hammerfall (Kiss, Accept, Twisted Sister), Iced Earth (AC/DC, Judas Priest, Alice Cooper) or Nightwish (Gary Moore) make their intelligence and musical taste insulting versions of classic songs. As if the fans of such bands will start respecting those nerdmetal acts. I seriously think that bands like that should get fined for playing those great songs. So metalheads don't even think about covering hardrock bands.
Good musicianship. Absolutely important!
We know all the cheap excuses that particulary punk and alternative rock acts use to justify their crummy music. Naieve statements like "technique isn't important it is all about the emotion" or "I think making a good song is more important than playing solo's". Because bands that play well make soulless music and all those charming ramshakle bands with their playfull amateurism are genuinely creative. HAHAHA!! I laugh in the face of such ignorance! Just listen to all those crappy bands that you get nowadays like Hellacopters, White Stripes, Libertines, deathmetal etc. and you will understand that good musicianship is important. Ofcourse expressing emotions is important but the best way to do that is to play your instrument properly rather than playing in a sloppy way. Somebody that is genuinely interested in playing their instrument well will be more eager to be creative or inovative than somebody that's only interested the latest fashion or following the newest trend. People who say this kind of stuff are talentless losers who don't really like music and are only interested in socializing with cool people, getting chicks and becoming rich. Their are no noble ideas behind this. Good musicianship is absolutely essential! It's so important that you understand that. Good musicians know how to write songs. That's the reason why punk or grunge bands do not sound cathcy they miss the expertise to write songs. Bands that are technically accomplished also sound more aggresive. Punk doesn't sound tough because it has a very chaotic and sloppy agression that just does not have any impact. Hardrock bands know how to control agression and to focus it and aim it like laserbeam which makes the music a lot more energetic. You can't get something for nothing. Making good music takes effort and is praiseworthy when done rightly. So no more do-it-yourself and learn to play yer fucking guitar!
Satanic scare did not exist
There is nothing more frustrating about being a fan of a band as people having misconceptions about such a band. Often people base this on something that they have seen on TV or read in a magazine. And you as fan have to listen to all this ignorance and explain to these fools why it is all not true. Judas Priest is the perfect example of this. I dont know how many times I heard people bring up that awfull court case when I mention their name. I feel like finding everything that references that stupid case like all the news articles every copy of that documantary they made about it and throwing it on a bonfire. This is often the first thing that people hear about them and it just works on my nerves because they are much better than that. Just like the bat chewing incident of Ozzy Osbourne. God I allways hate it when people bring up that fuckin bat incident. Like they want to sound knowledgable about heavy metal and think "well thats something they must find really interesting" while the only thing they want you to do stop mentioning that stuff and start talking about the good music and lyrics. The subtext is that this band is scary and they are into satanism and make depressing music that makes people commit suicide. That is complete rubbish because anybody that knows anything about hardrock are well aware that it is very joyfull music with positive lyrics about girls, cars and venting frustration. You should be surprised that such a feel-good band like Judas Priest were sent to court like that. "What Judas Priest making kids kill themselves! HAHAHA what a ridicilous notion" That should be your reaction. Not "O yeah Judas Priest they are such a scary band ". Which brings us to the supposed satanic scare in the 80s. People want you to believe that the authoraties were all woried that rockmusic was corrupting the youth with evil lyrics trying to turn the kids into satan worshippers. There was no such thing as that. Completely made up by ignorant Cracked.Com writers. Most people didn't care about something as trivial us popmusic. They cared more about the cold war or unemployment or tension in the middle east. See how they link the word satanic to the 80s despite the bands back than not singing about satan or murder and rockfans hated that stupid horror stuff. It makes much more sense to link it with modern times. Bands singing about satan are everywhere. It's bullshit that christian people thought hardrock groups were scary bands that should be stopped. It were not christians who want you to believe thay heavy rock is evil satanic music it's the punks who do that. Punks will just do everything to ruin heavy metal's good name and this one of those projects. But what about Tipper Gore and the whole PMRC thing you may ask? That was all about sexually explicit lyrics not about satanism and horror. Which makes sense because that's what hardrock groups generally sing about not about horror lyrics they were absolutely absent. So nice try didn't work. This myth is busted like all the others.
avoid self deprication
Self deprication is according to many people the best trait a person can have. On dating sites it is the most important requirement for the future partner to have a healthy dose of self deprication. In adverts, talkshows, famous people all praise the virtue of making fun of yourself and if you dont do that people think you are a grumpy moaner thats going to ruin the positive vibe. There is absolutely no one that asks himself why self deprication is such a good thing. Thats because there is no good reason. Its pure herdopinion. People only say this because other people say it and without hesitation they take it over. You get all these nerdy losers with Russel Brand beards that have their room decorated with pokemon wallpaper and have teletubbies stickers all over their bike. Which makes sense because people like guys that you can easily make a fool of who are not going to be a threat to the establishment. Girls on dating sites think that is cute. They don't want to have creepy Pat Condell types. Men should be a bit like Peter Griffin behave in a clumsy way we can all take the piss out of and that the women, children and even pets know better. This is ofcourse not accurate because men are much better at leadership and taking tough decisions than women. Woman often make emotional guided decisions that can lead to bad policies. This is why they have invented the concept of self deprication. So they can keep you under their thumb. Do you think people hundred years ago cared about self dprication. They were all very proud of everything they did and didnt resort to that kind of buffoonery. You do not even need to go back that far in time. Even thirty years ago nobody ever talked about self deprication. If you hear rockmusic back than it had a real fighter spirit. We can take on the world and nobody can stop us. That has all gone. Now we only have devilhorn saluting metal idiots who do everything according to the rules defined by the music establishment. (devilhorn salute, black clothing, vikingbeards). Metalheads also use self deprication which makes them easy to control they know their place and they wan't do any sudden actions. Its allways the punks that say that hardrockers should use more self deprication. Which is kind of odd because punks never use self deprication. Ever seen Henry Rollins or a band like the Clash make a fool of themselves. Absolutely not. They allways get huge praise from everybody without even the slightest doubt. The people in charge will allways tell people who they consider to be a nuisance that they should do more self deprication even though they themselves will never do that. Thats also the point of self deprication to make you feel ashamed of yourself. That is why they design all these bands like the Darkness and Buckcherry to affirm all these wrong notions people have of hardrock. If you get angry about that and point out that classic rock wasn't like that people just think you are a spoilsport that's just spoiling the party for everyone and ofcourse they will tell you to use self deprication. Dont take life so seriously just make fun of yourself. See there you have it. Everything is done to make heavy rock look stupid. I suggest the complete opposite. Avoid self deprication. The most important advice I can give is this and listen very well. ALLWAYS BE PROUD OF YOUR MUSIC!! Tell anybody that says your music sucks, is stupid or is unoriginal that they can fuck of. Approach your music in a serious manner and that the listener gets that. Dont let them trick you that you must make a fool of yourself be modest or do all kind of silly stuff. This way we can rid the world of self deprication. At least in the world of rock.
lowest uncommon denominator
Its common knowledge among rockgeeks and music professors that popular music is by definition bad. It is vapid throaway music that is just made purely so the record company can make a quick profit of the schlock they are releasing. The people buying this crap are a bunch of braindead herdfollowers who have no good taste in music just buying whatever the record labels spit out. Underground music on the other hand is special. The indie record labels release music thats full of depth and creativity and is made by genuine music lovers who understand what art is all about unlike the uneducated hicks that like mainstream music. At least to naïve hipsters that believe everything vice magazine tells them. The eltist rocksnobs that dictate what you should like are trying to sell you their crummy music that has rightly been rejected by the masses so that you against your better judgement are being shamed into buying this stuff. You should flip this on its head. Mainstream music is good underground music is bad. If you just follow this advice you will end up with a much better music collection. Just look at the sales figures of all the great bands. All those bands like ZZ Top, Led Zeppelin, Journey all have diamond certified albums. Nearly all the bands of the past that sound familiar to you have all sold platinum records or at least gold ones. The music papers can claim all they like that all that indierock stuff like Dead Kennedys, Belle and Sebastian or Replacements or all making life changing thought provoking music none of those groups come anywhere near the sales figures of say Uriah Heep. Which makes sense because that band and others like them just make much better music. Do you notice that its allways fans of shallow music styles like metal, punk, gothic, hardcore that are the most proudly underground very much against whats popular while the music they make is utter shit. That is because with music like that it isnt about the music its about subculture. Its all about being part of the target audience and having the right dress code with all the lingo and hand signs included. I absolutely hate subculture! Unmusicality starts slipping in and just ruins the music. This annoys me because to me music is everything. All the social stuff that comes with it is just secondary. In the eighties this was different. Subcultures didnt exist back then. Nobody cared about things like credibilty. If a band became big people wished them well and were happy that they were succesfull. You did not start hating them because they became "to commercial". Only punks thought like that. But in the nineties being credible and being against the mainstream became the norm and it explains why music went down the drain since then. Thats why i like hardrock. It is so gloriously mainstream and not concerned with being credible. Thats a good thing because if your trying to be credible you just end up playing by other peoples rules and typical mainstream rock bands like Nightranger, Iron Maiden and Blue Oyster Cult did everything in their own way not concerned with what the hip press thought of them. Thats why i trust the opinion of the common man more than of the music critics. Critics dont really care about music they care about social status, being trendy or cutting edge. They are forced by their peers to like certain bands even if they are not really good. A working class guy can immediately see through this and he will make up his own mind what he thinks is good music not caring what others think of that. Which ofcourse leads to liking bands that are really good instead of the drivel that the underground spews out. This is only logical because popular bands tend to be more talented they practice more they put more effort in producing quality music and this pays of people recognize this group has something special that the other bands dont have and they become popular. This is not rocket science its the same reason why coca colas is more popular than the supermarkets own brand of cola. It simply tastes better. I think the example that sums it up the best is this. 'Hotel California' by the Eagles is one of the most played songs ever totally mainstream. Yet its such a great song with fantastic musicianship and deep thought provoking lyrics. Deathmetal on the other hand is fucking terrible music with growling vocals crappy musicianship and stupid lyrics about satan worshippin, cannibals eating people and vikings hacking people to pieces and it is the definition of underground music. Case proven!
This does not mean that the masses cant be completely stupid. The corona virus hysteria thats going on now is clear proof of that. Its unbelievable that such a totally unthreatening virus that does not cause any harm and is just the same as the common cold is being used to put all kinds of restrictions on people. Like that stupid 1,5m social distancing rule or worse that people are forced to stay at home. This is completely ridiculous and just plain morally wrong. But all those braindead zombies just swallow it without any hesitation. You as a levelheaded person has to accept the consequences of all this stupidity. But it is not like the alternative segment of the population is doing anything against this. They are actually much worse than the average person. At least the normies are rebelling against this nonsense taking up arms against their opressors. Just like the people protesting in Michigan that had taken over the gouvernment building or the guy that started a street party in Cincinnati or the guy that stood at the beach in New Jersey that forced them to open the beach resort. These people are genuine heroes resisting all that tyranny. And what are the supposedly artistic college kids doing. They are telling you that you must obey the state propaganda to stay at home and not meet your friends in the park. You just need to go to pitchfork and you will see dozens of articles like '10 things to listen to while in quarentine' or 'how to make your own face masks' instead of telling them that this corona pandamic is a huge conjob and that they should start rebelling against their gouvernment and their unfair regulations. But people like that dont have any rock n roll running through their veins. The idea that you can just rebel against something is a completely foreign concept to the people of pitchfork. But what do you expect they are servants of the new world order. So leave it to us mainstream people to start the revolution. The normies are the good guys the socalled alternative people are the ones that are ruining everything
Alternative people are dorks
Do you know a punk, metalhead, gothic or other alternative types get rid of that person as soon as possible. That may sound harsh but it will spare you a lot of trouble. They are pathetic losers with whom you dont want to be associated. I do not understand that you have normal people that protect those people. Like 'o what interesting people they do things in their own way'. What do you mean they do things in their own way. They all look the same and behave the same. They are very predictable. But all those well behaved suburban people dont know any of those freaks and in their naivity they think they must be special people and that grumpy men like me that say bad stuff about those poor alto's are just closeminded bullies that are not open to people with different views. Thankfully im not an average rule following person and i do know what they are like and i can tell you they are fucking irritating. I used to hang out with them and they are whiny people that moan about the most insignificant details and they constantly gossip about each other. They are allways sad and depressed and their way of thinking is illogical and incoherent. Mainstream people that you see at work or in the gym are friendlier talk in a clearer way and behave in a more coherent and efficient way. They also have these dorky interests like pokemon, animea or wicca or other occult bullshit. This is done to create the impression that rockers are confused socailly inept people who should be protected against the unfriendly cold world. There is a clear subtext here saying 'and that how they allways were'. The streetsmart Mel Gibson's that used to be common in rock tell a different picture. Hardrockers were rational selfconfident dudes with who you couldn't mess around with and who would realise immediately when you are trying to fool them.
Its not good enough to be some what rebelious. They want you to think that you have to dress in such an outlandish fashion to be unique. There is a huge difference in being yourself and looking ridiculous. Its clear that alternative people belong to the latter catagory. You do not need to look like you are part of a freakshow to have your own special way of doing. If you just do your own thing and dont constantly let society dictate how you should think and behave you are allready a very independent thinking person. You dont need to look weird to be like that. Thats why gothics and metalheads piss me of because they confirm the notion that have to dress in an extreme way to be different and thats rubbish. You are pressured into doing all kings ridiculous stuff to distinguish your self from the masses. This is another one of those punk ideas that you cant do things with moderation everything has to be over the top. Then we see gothic/punk types complain about that they don't get accepted for who they are. Well what do you expect if you dress like a lunatic. Ofcourse people will avoid you. You have brought it onto yourself. Thats the same as people allways complaining about prejudices. I think prejudices are good. It shows that you realise that people act in predictable ways and you can easily spot what somebody is going to behave like and that you can shun certain groups of people you cant get on well with.
Ofcourse the great majority of people are completely stupid. Just look at all the morons that walk around wearing a facemask. This has nothing to do with a deadly virus (thats totally fake that is pretty obvious) they are only doing because the gouvernment has told them. Im getting fed up with all these ignorant sheeple that just swallow all this crap even though its obvious to every one with an iq higher than that of a fly that this corona event is just used as an excuse to limit the freedoms of civilians and that our world leaders can act like dictators and keep everybody under their thumb. But are the alto's so much better? NO! If they were really so rebelious they would rise against all those thugs forcing these rules on us. They would go to the houses of parliament and kick out those fascist bastards and start making up their own ways of how the country should be run. But no all those alternative losers also follow the rules and wear a face muzzle wash their hands every hour and politely keep 1,5 meter distance from each other. The notion that you can rebel against your gouvernment is an unknown concept to alternative people. They are sesame street types the just repeat the herdopinion of our leaders. This fake pendemic is a test if you really think for yourself or if your a herdfollower.
So if you believe this covid-19 thing is real you can have 20 colours in your hair or wear hoodies with skulls with little batwings it doesnt matter you have failed the test miserably. Your status as an independent thinking person has been revoked. This reminds me of youtube videos of gothic girls who wear the same halloween outfit and spew out the same irrational nonsense. If you go to their instagram page you will see 'stay home stay safe' messages everywhere. And lets not forget the obligatory vacant 'black lives matter' black photo picture even though they are bunch of thicko hooligans that only prove that black people can be fairly antisocial. But hey they said it on the eight o'clock news and Anderson Cooper is such a trustworthy man so it is probably right because they would never lie to us would they. This is just exaperating do these guys believe everything they are told. No there is nothing bad going on here, BLM people are burning down are cities, our leaders our restricting our basic rights and they are changing our constitution so they have free reign to enforce their tyranical plans on us, we are forced to wear a dehumanizing facediaper even though the chances that you get sick because you walked in a supermarket for a quater of an hour are slim. No this is just the normal everyday way things should go. Unbelievable the coin just does not want to fall. Its like trying to explain to a bunch of toddlers that santaclaus does not exist. All those people like Justin Theroux, Boris Johnson or Joe Biden and his fraudulent election results may sound very firm when they tell you that the pandemic is threatening they are just acting and you should be able to see through it. They are just bunch of crooks that are trying to push the devious plans of the EU or UN through. Even though no levelheaded person wants that.
Old rock bands very original. Not rip offs
Dont you often hear people say that they find that this particular band sounds very much like some other band. Then you listen to that band and it sounds nothing like the band in question. On the contrary the band really sounds fairly unique. There is nothing wrong with your reaction. Rather its the music critics who make these cheap slanderous camparisons to ruin the bands reputation that are in the wrong. A good example is the band Oasis who are supposed to sound like the Beatles but everyone that has any critical thinking skills can hear that that is bogus. They have a fairly destinctive sound of there own that only shares superficial similarities with the Beatles. But you can allready see all those smug critics rubbing their hands thinking lets trash this band instead just doing the dead obvious and saying that that band is good. You dont need to say that are really groundbreaking band but they do sound Oasis-like not Beatles-like. Simple and easy. Another example of this baffeling ignorance is comparing Aerosmith to the Rolling Stones. I once read this review where a woman was comparing each bandmember to the bandmember of the Rolling Stones that plays the same instrument. She was saying things like 'Steven Tyler is Mick Jagger and Joey Kramer is just like Charlie Watts'. Unbelievable the sheer ignorance of these people. There is nobody that stands up and says wait a minute. They sound nothing alike. They are more closer to the hardrock bands of the early 70s like Nazareth or Led Zeppelin. And they dont even sound like those bands. They have a sound of their own and they have been greatly influencial on a lot of other bands. Just as much as the Stones.
Led Zeppelin is another perfect example of this phenomenon. They are both seen as a rip of other bands and/or other bands being a rip of them. Its both not true lets start with the first claim. There are tons of youtube videos desperately trying to convince you that certain Led Zep songs sound like some insignificant band or artist that nobody has heard of. Often using typical hyperbole phrases like 'just ripping of old bluesmen' or 'No sound of their own'. Typical posertalk. Just listen to 'Whole Lotta Love' and then to 'You Need Love' by Muddy Waters and you can hear they dont sound similar at all. 'You need love' has a typical blues boogie rhythm while Whole Lotta Love has that loud distorted palmmuted riff. Its nothing a like. The only similarity are the lyrics but they are not important. Its the music that makes it special. Those old bluesmen wished they could write something as good as Whole lotta Love. I laugh at people like this that act like they are experts while they are just repeating the same old nonsense they are hearing other people say. Same goes for Stairway to Heaven that totally doesnt sound like Taurus or Baby Im Gonna Leave You whos only similarity to the Joan Beaz song is the songtitel making it even less similar then WLL is to YNL. Ofcourse they do not sound like that stuff. Led Zeppelin made completely new music when they arrived. Nobody sounded like that back then. And the bands people claim that sound like them dont sound like them eather. A perfect example is the band Kingdom Come that was often presented as being LZ-copies but they sound really different. The only similarity is the Robert Plant-ish vocals of the singer but it is obviously a more 80s sounding band that just sounds very different from the more analogue sound of 70s bands like Led Zeppelin. Im pretty sure if the singer had a voice that sounded like Udo Dirkschneider they would be comparing that band to Accept. It is as simple as that. If you in fact see any great band being compared to some other band that should be a warning sign that they are just bullshitting. When it comes to the big classic rock acts of the past none of those bands sound like other bands. They are all very original sounding. Thats what makes them great bands.
Punk propaganda. Dont be fooled!
Punk propaganda. Dont be fooled!
They released a tv-series about the Sex Pistols that very originally is called Pistol. These kind of projects are made to convince young impresionable musicfans to become punks. Unfortunenately for them there are weathered rock-aficionado's like me that see right through this. You get the same predictable story that life in the seventies was so boring in England and the youth had nothing to do. The sex pistols came along to change that and chased away the corrupt rock establishment. They are presenting you an image of the times that is totally false. There were a lot of great bands going around back then like Montrose, Bad Company and Emerson Lake & Palmer. But they will not be shown here. This is made to turn you of traditional rock and to promote alternative rock.They will pick out the worst bands from that period who were not typical for that time to use as an example. Thats whats happening in the trailer of the series were the play 'Kisses for me' by Brotherhood of Man as "how music sounded back then". Music back then was nothing like that. They make it sound like all music sounded like them. Thats a bit like saying that all music in the 90s sounded like the Spice Girls. Most music sounded hard as nails in the 70s and had a straightforward approach. If they really presented the music from the time in a honoust way they would play Kill the King' from Rainbow or 'Cat Scratch Fever' of Ted Nugent or 'Smokin' from Boston. Ofcourse they are not going to do that. That doesnt fit in the narrative that they are trying to create that music was so boring back than at that punk saved us from all that crap. But you do not even need to play such wild music. Popmusic of that time will do the trick. Cold As Ice or Mr Blue Sky or Fantasy of Earth Wind & Fire. They were big hits in 1977 and are good portrayel of how music sounded back then. But they are not gonna show stuff like that because everyone who watches that show will immediately realise that those songs are a lot better than all that punk-shit. The kids playing in that program have no clue what they are participating in. "This is show like all the others and those people probably know what they are talking about." Typical gullible thinking of the youth of today. Its just as stupid as the series 'vinyl'. That has been made to promote the trendy CBGBs scene. While there were enough great rockacts in New York. Take for instance Kiss, Foreigner, Blue Oyster Cult, Dio, Mountain. But hardrock is non-existant music to most of these people even though its much better than all that punk-crap. Typical kind of nonsense that people who write essays about music like. I am happy that rubbish program got cancelled. But you allready can hear by the name 'vinyl' that its gonna by shit. Thats a typical trend-word. Normal people would've called it 'longplayer' (the real name of an LP). But nobody knows that word anymore.
Then you have this video. This is of the red bull video series where they invite hip musicians to upgrade their uncool image. This time with wild rocker Iggy Pop. The audience at these kind of events are complete dorks like the presenter with his pop-professor look. You get the impression that these people understand nothing of Iggy Pop. They like him more for sociological reasons then because of his music. They like him because of his reckless behaviour and his anti-authoritarian stance but they are wellbehaved corona believers that will never take a stand against the authorities. Pure hypocritical stuff. Iggy Pop is like an animal in a zoo that you can watch from a distance but do not dare to behave like him. Just were your facemask and believe all that nonsense about deadly viruses and climate change. I actually like Iggy Pop even though i think he is oblivious to what is happening around him and just lets it all roll over him. Just like the Sex Pistols is a good band. The fact that Johnny Rotten wears a 'Make America Great Again' shirt just shows that after all those years he is still a rebel. But because they make good music does not mean that punk is good music or that all punkbands are just as rebelious as the Sex Pistols. I think there is a lot of groupthink in the punk movement. Everyone that isnt conditioned by the punk syndicate can see that. I allways find those portryels of the 70s a bit puzzeling. They make it seem as if England was this terrible place back then but it wasnt really bad at all. True there were problems back than but it wasnt as if Great Britain was some sort of third world country. It was a prosperous western country. Nowerdays its a lot worse with all those lockdowns, climate hysteria, forced racial harmony, rainbowmob etc. Strange that we dont get some angry music scene today because the social circumstances are perfect breeding ground for rebelious bands to react against this. Never in the hystory of rock n roll has there been a time as bad as this. So its like Rick Beatto says that it is time for a musical revolution but not quite in the way he means. Leave that to me. You never hear punks talk about those things. They talk about the same predictable issues like the environment, housing shortage, racial equality who are no longer relevant. You dont know how many times i had to pull of stickers with 'global extinction' or 'houses for people not for profit' from street lights. All empty meaningless slogans that are created to divert your attention from the real problems. Which just shows that punks are not really that rebelious. They are actually the establishment that you should be fighting against.
How people like Brian Slagel, Monte Conner etc. have ruined music
How could it be that hardrock went downhill during the eighties. Its a qeustion that many aware rockfans wonder about. Who are responsible for that honoust rockmusic changed in to the terrible metal garbage of the nineties. Here ladies and gentleman in this piece i will tell you who are the perpetrators that started this. People think that the metalacts that you got in the late 80s like Anthrax and Exodus that they caused this mess. Its not just the bands its also the people pulling the strings behind the scenes. Without them these guys would not have gotten a foot between the door with their lousy music. Lets begin with John Zazula who helped Metallica to start their career. That does not need any further explanation. He started the megaforce label that signed al those mediocre speedmetal bands. Groups like Anthrax and Overkill and so on.
A rung higher in the metal hierarchy we have Brian Slagel owner of the Metal Blade label what is a breeding ground for crummy music. He has a santaclaus beard just like Rick Rubin who we have talked about earlier. I know immediately when i see someone with such a rotting fish remains beard you know its bad news. He grew his beard as a reaction against those "terrible hairmetal bands". This guy is clearly not to be trusted. Rick Rubin has probably done that for the same reasons. What they dont understand that rockbands havent had a glam image for years while wearing a beard has been the norm for decennia. Its so incredible predictable and it gives heavy rock a poor starving beggar image. Rock n roll should be glamourous so all those badly dressed tattooed bums should be grabbed by there sagging pants and kicked out. He has a reputation as a hardrock expert that he does not deserve. He said at the end of the nineties when you got all that powermetal stuff that the music of Hammerfall reminded him of the music of the early 80s. Thats Ludicrous. How can a socalled hardrock expert not see the difference between powermetal crap like Hammerfall and Sacred Steel and how heavy metal used to sound. Its obvious he doesnt know what he is talking about. But he doesnt like 80s hardrock. It think he's a spy that has been sent out to ruin heavy rock and he has completely succeeded in that. Just look at the Metal Massacre compilations and its a who's who of all the idiotic bands you as rockfanatic are fed up with. Bands like Slayer, Fates Warning, Flotsam and Jetsam, Cannibal Corpse and you can fill in the rest of the list.
Another important figurehead is Mike Varney. He is the owner of the Schrapnell label and has released the 'us metal' compilations. There we have our first problem it has the word metal in the title. He could've called the record 'US rock invasion'. The bands who play on that record make rockmusic. The phrase metal just misses the mark. But even in the golden era of hardrock they were trying to stick that horrid word on this music. Just leave it to Mike Varney to make that irritating association. He was the guy that promoted all those shred gitarists that ruined proper guitarplaying. Later on released records of those fake symphonic rock bands like Megallan or Spocks Beard. But this story is not complete without Roadrunner. If there was a label that had a bad influence on heavy metal its these guys. "But those guys released good records in the beginning like those of the Rods of Twisted Sister. Nothing wrong with that. " Yes ofcourse. But back then you only had good music. You could pick a random band from the streets sign them and you could expect them to make good music.
Its how the label developed over the years and the bad influence they had on heavy rock music that shows that they are a shitty label. Gradually the hardrock dissapeared and got replaced by metal. The low point of this were growl-metal bands like Biohazard, Life of Agony and Sepultura enz. Bands were the real heavy rock fan would run away from screaming. There is also an important figure behind this namely Monte Conner. The shivers should go down your spine when you hear that name because he was the main man behind all those NU-metal bands they unleashed on us. He is a punk with those nerd glasses of him. He was probably a big fan of Black Flag and Bad Brains. Not really a hardrocker. The music they release is aimed for a Aardschok/Rockhard audience. Or with other words boring metal music for dimwitted metalheads where the bearbelly sticks out under their cheap lager stained Napalm Death T-shirts. The type of people that think dull doommetal groups like Candlemass or Solitude Aeturnus are so great. The guys of Aardschok are tightly tied to roadrunner. Ofcourse Roadrunner, Aardschok en Dynamo are part of a cartel that has an iron grip on what happens in world of heavy metal. Its time to put an end to that.
The sneaky danger of autotune.
There is a disease taking over the world right now and its name is autotune. Where ever you go if your at work, at a bar or coming from cars that pass you by you cant escape that dreaded sound. If you come home after being exposed to that crap all day and you think you can finally escape that autotune assault the neighbours will blast that kind of music loudly through the whole street . I live in a black neighbourhood and they play the music so loud that the walls start to shake. I've often told them to turn the damn noise down. A white noise device is a necessity these days. Especially if its a slutty chick with vocal fry vocals you know youll be in for bad time. I feel like Alex Delarge in Clockwork Orange when he hears Beethoven and out of desparation jumps from a window. Thats what i feel when i hear autotune. Where does that terrible sound originate from. The official story tells that it came from the petroleum industry where they used seismic waves to track down oilwells. They have applied that to music and voila autotune is born. I think that is a bullshit story. Autotune is invented by the CIA to taunt the population. It fits into the list of other projects that they bother us with like the covid-hoax, climate scare, anti-smoking laws etc. They have tested this in places like Guantanemo Bay and other creepy places and realised they make prisoners go completely crazy with certain music or sounds so they'll confess to anything. A kind of musical waterboarding. They suddenly realised they can use that to piss of all those miserable fools are leaders look down on. You as innocent person are being exposed to such MK-ultra practices. It has been created with insidious intentions. So when you go to work to earn your monthly pay you are in danger to be exposed to such an abomination on the radio which puts your job in jeopardy. When i go to look for a new job a have to ask them if they play autotune music. Thats how bad it has become. It didnt used to be like that. I am not the type of person that insists that i have to hear great music at work. I have very low standards when it comes to music they play at work. I dont mind music that is bad. I mind music that works on your nerves. Just leave that to Ariane Grande, Sam Smith, Miley Cyrus and a whole host of rapacts to guarantee you have a bad time.
The popmusic on the radio has allready surpassed the terrible music that im discribing on this website in sheer awfullness. I was in a bar where they sometimes play metal and unfortunately that was the case this evening. That is an unpleasant experience. But i noticed that i could still hear that music without wanting to flee the pub. In a bar where they play autotune im gone after one song. So alas metalheads but sky radio has beaten metal as a deterrent. So all that growling, screaming, shredguitars and double-bass bashing has been for nothing. Its no match against that autotune assault. The question is what makes autotune so painfully annoying. Often people say because its fake. To some degree that is true. Autotune is often used to make people who cant sing sound "better". Its ofcourse very artificial. But that cant be the whole reason for why it sucks. Synthesizers also sound artificial and do not resemble real instruments. Yet i think they sound great. Its precisely that smooth and futuristic sound that makes it so enjoyable. People come up with kinds of excuses like that you are not open to new forms of music. But that is not the case because with housemusic that does not have vocals it isnt a problem. So singing is the issue here. Autotune is not cutting edge anymore. Its allready been used for a quarter of a century. It might have sounded like that when Cher released 'Believe' but now all songs are drenched in it. Its become overused. Not using autotune is a lot more fresh sounding nowerdays. People will say that certain sounds and effects have allways been popular but they have never dominated as much as autotune. Take for instance the talkbox that has been used in songs like 'Living on a Prayer' from Bon Jovi or 'Show me the Way' of Peter Frampton where you can sing through your guitar. There are more artists that have used that device but those are the only two big hits with a voicebox. It was still seen as a fashionable gadget like the vocoder. I dont hear that in a lot of hits. Mr Blue Sky of ELO or California love from Dr Dre are a few examples that use that. The voice in those songs has been artificialy altered but it does not annoy me as much as autotune.
Autotune sounds irritating for the reason other annoying sounds sound irritating. The sound of your alarm, a dripping tap, a chainsaw that is cutting away branches near your window or an ambulance with siren that passes by. These sounds are unpleasant to hear. The difference is they dont play those things at your work or in a shopping center on the radio unlike autotune that sounds much worse than that. But the sneaky thing about this is because it has been classified as popmusic it has been deemed okay to play that even its just as frustrating. Its like the people of the United Nations have researched what makes those sounds so annoying and have harnessed those irritating traits and multiplied them and made a demonic brew that we have been stuck with since. It gets really bad van they use autotune in hiphop. Hiphop is after all a style where musicality is secondary to things like subculture and cool clothing. So they will have no issue with using autotune not aware of the danger lurking behind it. A radiostation like fun-x makes use of this who beat the music of sky radio in sheer awfullness. I have noticed that black people tend to follow trends a lot more and just accept the shitty music that is presented to them. Our leaders are aware of this and act accordingly. They know they will play this rubbish everywhere for free. When you walk outside you can count on that somebody in SUV wil pass by with that crap blasting out of their car. You feel like throwing a brick through their window. Im fed up with autotune and i think im not the only one. Its time to get rid of that annoying effect so we can go to work or go to the supermarket without hearing that nightmare sound.
the harmful influence of subcultures
"Live for the music. Give it everything that you got." Thats from the song 'Live for the music' of Bad Company. Which has become my signature song. Just like the guys of Bad Company i listen and make music because i am passionate about it. That makes sense because you would expect a musician to be mainly interested in what he does. Just like a carpenter is interested in the size of the screws that your gonna use or the measurements of the planks your going to use for your cupboard you would expect a musician to be interested in what chords he uses or the melodies he creates or the effect peddles he uses. This should be obvious. But it seems current generations of musicians have lots of difficulty with something as easy as just making music. Paul Rogers and the other guys of Bad Company dont want to have anything to do with subcultures. I dont think they even though what a subculture is. People were not intrested in that in the past. Rockmusic had a much more carefree attitude and played for the fun of it and were not concerned with the social aspects. People have designed the subculture concept to get rid of that easy going mentality in popmusic and make sure that bands fit into narrow parameters so they do not do any sudden moves.
You can see this with the most insignificant interests that a subculture arises around it. A good example is steampunk. You would think that its just a nice hobby to put present day technology in an 19th century setting. Thats an interesting idea. You can do a lot of creative things with that. No not allowed! You will be recruited into the steampunk legion. You must also walk around with daft clothing like tophats, goggles, hooped skirts or captain jack sparrow costumes and so on. The type of people you want to have nothing to do with. You must go to all kinds of comic con like events and buy Louis the 14th costumes. The fact that the word punk is in it says enough even though it has nothing to do with punk. That typifies todays mentality that you have to do everything in a very overexagerated manner. Just simply enjoying your music buying a tshirt and going to see your favorite band holding a banner will not cut it. Thats for boring people. If you really like a band you have to tattoo the bandlogo on your legs. You have to buy the limegreen Nigerian vinyl edition and the 1983 tour shirt that you bought at a thriftstore. Thats not how real musicfans behave. When somebody does this you know that person is a phoney. But through the lens of their by groupthink distorted view that is how a real rockfan behaves. To a more levelheaded listener that is not under this bizarre hypnosis that most of the rockcattle seem to be under it seems like everybody has lost their minds.
People see music nowerdays is a social thing not as a hobby that gives you joy. Liking a band is a bit like supporting your favorite football team. But music isnt football. You like footbal out of a sense of unity. Your favorite team is based on what town you come from. If you are from Manchester than manchester united is your favorite team. If your Liverpool then liverpool footbal team is your team. Unfortunately people approach music in a similar identiterian manner. The big difference is that football is a sport and not an expression of creativity. With artistic things its not about how many goals you score or who wins but about how good your song is or how that your painting is painted well. With todays rockfans your surroundings plays a very important role in the shaping of musical taste. People are fan of the most terrible bands simply because their friends or the magazines they like tell them that its good. In the time when Cradle of Filfth were popular everyone was walking around in those tasteless shirts of theirs. Nobody thought to themselves 'why do we like such horrid music and making a fool of ourselves by walking around in their tshirts.' Things like age, gender, regional or social background shape what people like. To a certain degree it makes sense. If i were born in india and not in western europe i would have listened to different music. I would've liked snakecharmer flutemusic and not rock. Had i lived in Africa i would probably liked bongo music and not hardrock. The difference between me and the rest is that its of far lesser importance. It do not give a rats ass what other people like or hate. It doesnt influence how i listen to music. For most people its the main reason why they like music and that bothers me.
People do not understand what a subculture is. They think that a subculture just means people who share a similar interest. That is not what a subculture is. People liberaly use that word for any shared interest people have how trivial that is. I have heared people talk about a 'bikeracers subculture' or a 'winedrinkers subculture'. Its like people dont know what words mean. A subculture isnt people who have the same interest or are fanatical fan of something. Its people who dress and behave differently then the rest of society. They are not part of normal culture. Metalheads, punks, goths, new age people that live in a commune are subcultures because they behave and look differently than normal people. Somebody can be fanatical fan of something say for instance spiderman comics. They can have all the releases even special turkish or japanese editions or action figures of him. You do not belong to the 'spiderman subculture'. You are part of mainstream culture because it doesnt make you different then anyone else. You are just simply interested in something and there is nothing wrong with that. The word 'nerd' is also something that gets randomly stuck to everything. People think that a nerd is somebody that is very intrested in something or is really knowledgeble about a certain subject.WRONG! A nerd is a dorky person that may know a lot about something but explains that knowledge in such a clumsy and confusing manner that it turns an ordinary person of that subject. They have an obsessive approach to their interests and they bombarred you with pointless details you didnt ask for. If your very intrested in something you are not a nerd. Thats just normall. It works on my nerves when people who are obviously not a nerd call themselves a nerd. Rick Beatto calls himself a nerd but he isnt he is what you would call an 'expert'. A word that people used to use when somebody knew a lot about something. Notice that the word expert sounds a lot more positive. But they will rather use the word nerd because that makes you look like your an absent minded weirdo that only says nonsense. They dont want you to come over like a confident man that knows what he's talking about. That can get the job done. They do not want David Attenborough or Leonard Bernstein that can explain things in a clear and consise way. They want hyperactive goofballs like v-sause or pbs types like Matt o'Dowd with their clownish ways of explaining stuff that totally works on your nerves.
The falsification of (hard)rock history
read this first.
I have a lot of respect for conspiracy people because they have a knack for being right most of the time. Reading the articles that this guy writes he is doing a fine job exposing the crap that people take for granted. When it comes to rockmusic however he like a lot of people starts dropping the ball quite heavily and he ends up saying the same rubbish as everyone else. Its time to rectify this because this piece is exactly the type of misinformed hogwash i have been railing against all this time that im fed up hearing. This post is of the 'heavy metal bands are satanists' variety but it also claims that all popmusic is promoting the occult. He thinks this is so because of all the musicvideos of people like Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and Arianne Grande that feature corny looking stuff like gargoyls, thrones, people dancing in robes making weird handsigns. There is nothing scary about this its all just laughable and embarrasing. There are more popartists that have musicvideos and use satanic imagery like this than rockbands used to have. Go watch videos of old rockbands and none of them have any of this shit. Which only proves that hardrock music has nothing to do with satanism. But it is obvious that he thinks hardrock groups have the seem lyrics and attitude as metalbands.
And here we have the biggest issue with this piece and other essays like it is that he and many other people conspriracists or not is that they dont make the important distinction between hardrock and metal. All the rules of metal that it must be dark, scary or depressing do not apply to heavy rock. Yet he makes baffeling statements like Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath are 'devil-rockers' with depressing and dark lyrics. In reality bands like that but also AC/DC, Judas Priest and Van Halen are good time fun rockbands nothing scary or depressing about them. Everyone with acces to a lyricsheet or sits down and actually listen to these bands can realise that. It gets really stupid when he clames that bands like Black Sabbath or Blue Oyster Cult have been started by the church of satan. Yeah because the church of satan went all the way down to birmingham and picked Tony Iommi, Ozzy and Geezer Buttler from the street and said "Hey lads can you start a band and sing about satan for us". "Yeah sure mister we will do that for you no problem with that". Thats just insane. Nothing like that happens. But what do you expect from somebody that uses a word like 'devil-rockers'. You got to laugh that he in all seriousness uses a phrase like that. It just shows that he has no clue what he's talking about and just bases his views on flimsy popculture ideas not how the music really is.
That doesnt mean there are no conspiracys going on in rock there definately is. The real conspiracy is that the people in charge saw the mainstream rock of the 70s and 80s as a huge threat. Rockmusic had a much more subtler yet effective sense of rebellion to it. Which was also hugely popular. People with an opressive mindset that like to control people can not tolerate that. So they came up with all kinds of devious plans to ruin the good name of hardrock by attaching all kinds of derogative atributes to this kind of music like satanism, violence, suicide, cheesy fantasy lyrics and so on which have nothing what so ever to do with classic rock. And you can see that in the way John Hamer completely swallows the story they sell him which just shows how deeply ingrained this all is. Its remarkable that a guy that has set out to expose the musicindustry actually helps spread the conspiracy they are trying to establish. Thats real power for you if they can inspire good men to do their dirty work. He keeps saying that those bands from those golden decades are dark and satanic but that alone is not gonna convince anyone. You got tell us what makes these bands dark or scary. He never goes into specifics. He never talks about which songs according to him are about satan or the occult or any specific lines or sentences that point out the apparent devilish messages. That makes sense because there are no songs that are like that. Hardrock bands dont sing about that stuff so guys like this who are desperately trying to shove a demonic image onto this music wil come up emptyhanded
You started getting all these controlled opposition styles like punk, metal and gothic. Music that has a superficial veneer of rebellion but is in fact created buy the same evil forces that are trying to stop you from listening to proper rockmusic that had a genuine sense of rebelion. Styles like metal, punk or hiphop didnt come into existence in an organic way but are specifically designed by thinktanks to disrupt the positive musical vibe you had in rock and turn it into something negative and laughable. The issue is that people do not just listen to stupid music out of their own choice. That has to be staged in an artificial way. Thats why they have spies in the musicscene so that the ignorant rockaudiences can be influenced and guided in the right direction. A good example is Lars Ulrich. Lars Ulrich has ben stationed in Los Angeles because of the upcoming hardrock scene that was starting there and he with Metallica have to create heavy metal. Unfortunately for him the hardrockers from LA dont want anything to do with that metal garbage so they packed there bags and went to San Francisco where they where more susceptible to Metallica's sonic assault. Thats because the rockfans over there where naieve people and more prone to peer pressure than the jocks of Los Angeles who saw threw the ruse. Dave Grohl is also somebody that has obvious secret agent traits. Dont you think its strange that when he became a member of Nirvana the band suddenly becomes huge. When they made bleach they were complete nobodys that no one cared about. Dave Grohl has been recruited for nirvana to kill of 80s hardrock. He has become a rock celebrity that will show up in talkshows and musicdocumenterys over and over so you will think thats how rockmusicians must be like. He's the cool dude we must look up to not like those boring old farts like Ian Gillan or Steve Perry. Dont forget before he was in Nirvana he was in a band called Scream who came from Washington spookcity nr.1. Same place where other rock infiltrators like Henry Rollins, Ian Mackay and Bad Brains came from.